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Stellar Horizon SDK for Rust

This Rust library provides a user-friendly interface to the Stellar Horizon API, allowing developers to easily query and transact on the Stellar network. Centered around the HorizonClient, the SDK abstracts the underlying HTTP request and response mechanisms into a set of simple, high-level methods.

The SDK is designed with a focus on developer experience, providing clear abstractions, sensible defaults, and streamlined error handling.


The SDK is under active development. It is functional but should be considered a work-in-progress. Features may be added or changed, and the SDK may evolve before stabilization.

Supported endpoints:


  • Accounts
  • Assets
  • Claimable balance
  • Ledgers
Endpoints on the roadmap:
  • Effects
  • Fee stats
  • Liquidity pools
  • Offers
  • Operations
  • Orderbook
  • Paths
  • Payments
  • Trade aggregations
  • Trades
  • Transactions

Example Usage

The following example demonstrates how to use the HorizonClient to retrieve a list of accounts with a specific signer:

use stellar_rs::horizon_client::HorizonClient;
use stellar_rs::accounts::prelude::{AccountsRequest, AccountsResponse};
use stellar_rs::models::{Request, Response};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Initialize the Horizon client with the testnet server
    let horizon_client = HorizonClient::new("".to_string())?;

    // Create a request to fetch accounts with a specific signer
    let accounts_request = AccountsRequest::new()

    // Perform the request using the Horizon client
    let accounts_response =

    // Check for success and handle the response or error
    match accounts_response {
        Ok(response) => {
            // Process the response
        Err(e) => {
            // Handle the error


This example initializes a HorizonClient, constructs an AccountsRequest to filter accounts by signer, and calls get_account_list to retrieve the relevant data. The result is then handled in a match expression, demonstrating the SDK’s straightforward error handling.

Visit the documentation for HorizonClient and endpoint-specific request and response types for more examples and detailed usage instructions.


  • Provides Request and Response structs for retrieving accounts.
  • Provides Request and Response structs for retrieving assets.
  • Provides Request and Response structs for retrieving claimable balances.
  • Client for calling the Stellar Horizon API
  • Provides Request and Response structs for retrieving ledgers.
  • Contains core data structures and traits.


  • Represents the types of assets in the Stellar network.