Crate stegano

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A powerful and versatile steganography tool designed to empower you with a wide range of image manipulation and data encryption capabilities.

Quick Start

Get started with the stegano crate by following these simple steps:

  1. Install the stegano tool using Cargo:
cargo install --locked stegano
  1. Use these subcommands to process and manipulate png and jpeg images. Here are some examples:

  2. Read and process 10 chunks from a png image:

    $ stegano show-meta -i image_file_name -n 10
    It is a valid PNG file. Let's process it!
    ---- Header ----
    00000000 | 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A | .PNG....
    ---- End ----
    ---- Chunk #0 ----
    Offset: 13
    Size: 68
    CRC: fa130394
    00000013 | 00 0A 36 08 06 00 00 00 AF 77 9F 68 00 00 00 01 73 52 47 42 | ..6......w.h....sRGB
    00000033 | 00 AE CE 1C E9 00 00 20 00 49 44 41 54 78 5E EC DD 75 BC 6F | .........IDATx^..u.o
    00000053 | 55 9D FF F1 CF 39 B7 83 1B 70 69 91 54 50 50 46 09 51 41 C5 | U....9...pi.TPPF.QA.
    00000073 | 8E F9 19 94 98 E0 08 12 | ........
    ------ End ------
    ---- Chunk #1 ----
    Offset: 98
    Size: 70
    CRC: 80000208
    00000098 | 42 74 08 09 0B C5 E2 27 17 A5 E3 22 48 DE E4 C6 39 BF C7 DA | Bt.....'..."H...9...
    00000118 | DF DA B1 F6 5E B9 BF 75 5E E7 9F E1 9E EF CA E7 5E FB 7B F9 | ....^..u^.......^.{.
    00000138 | F1 7B FB 59 23 97 5E 7D E3 B8 F0 13 4D 60 7C 1C CE 68 98 0C | .{.Y#.^}....M`|..h..
    00000158 | 84 00 02 08 20 80 00 02 08 20 | ..........
    ------ End ------
    ---- Chunk #2 ----
    Offset: 185
    Size: 2
    CRC: 20800002
    00000185 | 02 08 | ..
    ------ End ------
    ---- Chunk #3 ----
    Offset: 204
    Size: 8
    CRC: 460800c6
    00000204 | 32 32 32 54 FB E9 F5 66 | 222T...f
    ------ End ------
    ---- Chunk #4 ----
    Offset: 229
    Size: 2
    CRC: 20800002
    00000229 | 02 08 | ..
    ------ End ------
    ---- Chunk #5 ----
    Offset: 248
    Size: 8
    CRC: 20800002
    00000248 | 00 02 08 20 80 00 02 08 | ........
    ------ End ------
    ---- Chunk #6 ----
    Offset: 273
    Size: 8
    CRC: 20190601
    00000273 | 95 00 60 24 4B C2 7F 91 | ..`$K...
    ------ End ------
    ---- Chunk #7 ----
    Offset: 298
    Size: 4
    CRC: 40000104
    00000298 | 00 01 04 10 | ....
    ------ End ------
    ---- Chunk #8 ----
    Offset: 319
    Size: 1
    CRC: 4104000
    00000319 | 01 | .
    ------ End ------
    ---- Chunk #9 ----
    Offset: 337
    Size: 16
    CRC: 20820
    00000337 | 23 E1 BF 08 88 A6 21 B8 5A D9 24 C4 E7 08 20 80 | #.....!.Z.$.....
    ------ End ------
  3. Process the png image in silent mode:

    $ stegano show-meta -i image_file_name -r
  4. Read and process a jpeg image.

    $ stegano show-meta -i image_file_name -t jpeg
    JFIF Header: JfifHeader { version: 18758 }
    SOF Header for Chunk#67: SofHeader { jpeg_obj: JpegObj { precision: 8, image_height: 243, image_width: 207, number_of_components: 3, comp_id: [1, 2, 3], hsamp_factor: [2, 1, 1], vsamp_factor: [2, 1, 1], qtable_number: [0, 1, 1], dctable_number: [1, 2, 3], actable_number: [11, 12, 13, 14], ss: 0, se: 63, ah: 0, al: 0 } }
    Processing DHT Header for Chunk#68:
    Processing DHT Header for Chunk#69:
    Processing DHT Header for Chunk#70:
    Processing DHT Header for Chunk#71:
    SOS Header for Chunk#72: SosHeader { jpeg_obj: JpegObj { precision: 3, image_height: 243, image_width: 207, number_of_components: 3, comp_id: [17], hsamp_factor: [3], vsamp_factor: [15], qtable_number: [0], dctable_number: [0], actable_number: [0], ss: 0, se: 0, ah: 0, al: 0 } }

    Sometimes the JFIF header doesn’t exist, but it is still a valid jpeg file:

    $ stegano show-meta -i image_file_name -t jpeg
    DQT Header for Chunk#1: DqtHeader { dct: DctStruct { quantum: [[8, 2054, 1542, 1543, 1798, 1541, 1288, 2055, 1799, 1799, 1801, 2313, 2312, 2058, 2572, 3092, 5133, 3340, 3083, 2827, 2828, 3097, 6418, 4627, 4879, 3860, 5149, 7450, 6687, 7966, 7709, 7450, 6684, 7196, 7200, 8228, 9262, 11815, 10016, 8226, 8748, 11299, 8988, 7196, 7208, 10295, 14121, 10540, 11312, 12337, 12596, 13364, 13364, 13343, 7975, 10041, 14653, 15672, 14386, 12860, 15406, 11827, 13108, 13362], [12801, 265, 2313, 2313, 2316, 3083, 2828, 3096, 6157, 3341, 3352, 6194, 12833, 8476, 7201, 8498, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 12850, 0]] } }
    SOF Header for Chunk#3: SofHeader { jpeg_obj: JpegObj { precision: 8, image_height: 460, image_width: 460, number_of_components: 3, comp_id: [1, 2, 3], hsamp_factor: [2, 1, 1], vsamp_factor: [2, 1, 1], qtable_number: [0, 1, 1], dctable_number: [1, 2, 3], actable_number: [11, 12, 13, 14], ss: 0, se: 63, ah: 0, al: 0 } }
    Processing DHT Header for Chunk#4:
    SOS Header for Chunk#5: SosHeader { jpeg_obj: JpegObj { precision: 3, image_height: 460, image_width: 460, number_of_components: 3, comp_id: [17], hsamp_factor: [3], vsamp_factor: [15], qtable_number: [0], dctable_number: [0], actable_number: [0], ss: 0, se: 0, ah: 0, al: 0 } }
  5. Read chunks at different positions:

    # Read 1 chunk starting from position 0
    $ stegano show-meta -i image_file_name -s 0 -e 10 -n 1
    It is a valid PNG file. Let's process it!
    ---- Header ----
    00000000 | 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A | .PNG....
    ---- End ----
    ---- Chunk #0 ----
    Offset: 13
    Size: 68
    CRC: fa130394
    00000013 | 00 0A 36 08 06 00 00 00 AF 77 9F 68 00 00 00 01 73 52 47 42 | ..6......w.h....sRGB
    00000033 | 00 AE CE 1C E9 00 00 20 00 49 44 41 54 78 5E EC DD 75 BC 6F | .........IDATx^..u.o
    00000053 | 55 9D FF F1 CF 39 B7 83 1B 70 69 91 54 50 50 46 09 51 41 C5 | U....9...pi.TPPF.QA.
    00000073 | 8E F9 19 94 98 E0 08 12 | ........
    ------ End ------
    # Read 3 chunks starting from position 10000
    $ stegano show-meta -i image_file_name -s 10000 -e 200000 -n 3
    It is a valid PNG file. Let's process it!
    ---- Header ----
    00000000 | 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A | .PNG....
    ---- End ----
    ---- Chunk #10000 ----
    Offset: 13
    Size: 68
    CRC: fa130394
    00000013 | 00 0A 36 08 06 00 00 00 AF 77 9F 68 00 00 00 01 73 52 47 42 | ..6......w.h....sRGB
    00000033 | 00 AE CE 1C E9 00 00 20 00 49 44 41 54 78 5E EC DD 75 BC 6F | .........IDATx^..u.o
    00000053 | 55 9D FF F1 CF 39 B7 83 1B 70 69 91 54 50 50 46 09 51 41 C5 | U....9...pi.TPPF.QA.
    00000073 | 8E F9 19 94 98 E0 08 12 | ........
    ------ End ------
    ---- Chunk #10001 ----
    Offset: 98
    Size: 70
    CRC: 80000208
    00000098 | 42 74 08 09 0B C5 E2 27 17 A5 E3 22 48 DE E4 C6 39 BF C7 DA | Bt.....'..."H...9...
    00000118 | DF DA B1 F6 5E B9 BF 75 5E E7 9F E1 9E EF CA E7 5E FB 7B F9 | ....^..u^.......^.{.
    00000138 | F1 7B FB 59 23 97 5E 7D E3 B8 F0 13 4D 60 7C 1C CE 68 98 0C | .{.Y#.^}....M`|..h..
    00000158 | 84 00 02 08 20 80 00 02 08 20 | ..........
    ------ End ------
    ---- Chunk #10002 ----
    Offset: 185
    Size: 2
    CRC: 20800002
    00000185 | 02 08 | ..
    ------ End ------
  6. Encrypt an inject data in an image:

    $ stegano encrypt -i input_image_file_name -k 'pass' -p 'hello' -f 159028 -o output_image_file_name -s
    Image encoded and written successfully!
  7. Decrypt, extract secret from an image and remove the secret from the image:

    $ stegano decrypt -i input_image_file_name -k 'pass' -f 159028 -o output_image_file_name -s
    Your decoded secret is: "hello"
  8. if wrong key is provided:

    $ stegano decrypt -i input_image_file_name -k 'invalid' -f 159028 -o output_image_file_name
    Your decoded secret is: "qji~s"
  9. if wrong key and wrong offset are provided:

    $ stegano decrypt -i input_image_file_name -k 'invalid' -f 159024 -o output_image_file_name
    It is a valid PNG file. Let's process it!
    ---- Header ----
    00000000 | 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A | .PNG....
    ----- End ------
    ------- Chunk -------
    Offset: 159021
    Size: 36
    CRC: 1348f762
    00159021 | 69 6E 76 61 74 6D 7B 76 71 1B 4D C0 1F 8D 24 7F 7C 61 FC 97 | invatm{vq.M...$.|a..
    00159041 | 19 9A B0 0D 99 41 D5 E5 BD 20 C0 79 B2 4A 7B C5 | .....A.....y.J{.
    -------- End --------
    Your decoded secret is: "invatm{vq\u{1b}M�\u{1f}�$\u{7f}|a��\u{19}��\r�A�� �y�J{�"
  10. if correct key and wrong offset are provided:

    $ stegano decrypt -i input_image_file_name -k 'pass' -f 159024 -o output_image_file_name
    It is a valid PNG file. Let's process it!
    ---- Header ----
    00000000 | 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A | .PNG....
    ----- End ------
    ------- Chunk -------
    Offset: 159021
    Size: 36
    CRC: 1348f762
    00159021 | 70 61 73 73 68 65 6C 6C 6F 0C 5F DF 06 88 3E 62 7A 61 E3 8D | passhello._...>bza..
    00159041 | 0D 92 AD 08 88 4C CF F2 A4 2F C5 6B AE 42 6C DF | .....L.../.k.Bl.
    -------- End --------
    Your decoded secret is: "passhello\u{c}_�\u{6}�>bza�\r��\u{8}�L��/�k�Bl�"


Encryption Options
-a or --algoSets the algorithm for encryption (default is “aes”).
-i or --inputSets the input file for encryption.
-o or --outputSets the output file for the encrypted payload (default is “output.png”).
-k or --keySets the key for payload encryption (default is “key”).
-s or --suppressSuppresses output messages.
-f or --offsetSets the offset (default is 10).
-p or --payloadSets the payload (default is “hello”).
-t or --typeSets the type (default is “PNG”).
Decryption Options
-a or --algoSets the algorithm for decryption (default is “aes”).
-i or --inputSets the input file for decryption.
-o or --outputSets the output file for the decrypted payload (default is “output.png”).
-k or --keySets the key for payload decryption (default is “key”).
-s or --suppressSuppresses output messages.
-f or --offsetSets the offset (default is 10).
-p or --payloadSets the payload (default is “hello”).
-t or --typeSets the type (default is “PNG”).
Metadata Options
-i or --inputSets the input image file for metadata extraction.
-n or --nb-chunksRead a specific number of chunks (default is 100).
-s or --startSets the index of the start chunk to read from (default 0).
-e or --endSets the index of the end chunk to stop reading at (default 100).
-r or --suppressSuppresses output messages.

GitHub Repository

You can access the source code for this crate on GitHub.


Contributions and feedback are welcome! If you’d like to contribute, report an issue, or suggest an enhancement, please engage with the project on GitHub. Your contributions help improve this crate for the community.
