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This library provides access to the steam web apis. Uses reqwest::blocking under the hood

Getting Started

To access any web api that requires no authentication (file details) you need to create a new instance:

use steam_workshop_api::Workshop;
//Either pass in a Some(reqwest::blocking::Client) or leave None for it to be autocreated
let wsclient = Workshop::new(None);

Using Authorized Methods

Authorized methods are behind the AuthedWorkshop struct, which can be generated from a Workshop instance:

use steam_workshop_api::{Workshop, AuthedWorkshop};
let wsclient = Workshop::new(None);
let authed = wsclient.login("MY_API_KEY");

Using Proxied Methods

Proxied methods are identical to AuthedWorkshop, except can use a third party server to proxy (and keep the appkey private)

use steam_workshop_api::{Workshop, ProxyWorkshop};
let wsclient = Workshop::new(None);
let proxy = wsclient.proxy("https://jackz.me/l4d2/scripts/search_public.php");
