Type Definition steam_audio::ffi::IPLFftHelper [] [src]

type IPLFftHelper = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut IPLvoid, _: *mut IPLfloat32, _: *mut IPLComplex)>;

A function that you can call to calculate the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of a real-valued time-domain signal. You will typically call this from within your implementation of IPLHrtfLoadCallback, to transform your time-domain Head-Related Impulse Responses (HRIRs) into Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs).

\param data Pointer to internal data required for calculating Fourier transforms. This will be passed in to your implementation of IPLHrtfLoadCallback. \param signal Array containing the time-domain signal. The number of elements in this array must match the signalSize parameter received by IPLHrtfLoadCallback. \param spectrum Array containing the frequency-domain spectrum. The number of elements in this array must match the spectrumSize parameter received by IPLHrtfLoadCallback.