1.33.0[][src]Trait standback::marker::Unpin

#[lang = "unpin"]pub auto trait Unpin { }

Types that can be safely moved after being pinned.

Since Rust itself has no notion of immovable types, and considers moves (e.g., through assignment or mem::replace) to always be safe, this trait cannot prevent types from moving by itself.

Instead it is used to prevent moves through the type system, by controlling the behavior of pointers P wrapped in the Pin<P> wrapper, which "pin" the type in place by not allowing it to be moved out of them. See the pin module documentation for more information on pinning.

Implementing this trait lifts the restrictions of pinning off a type, which then allows it to move out with functions such as mem::replace.

Unpin has no consequence at all for non-pinned data. In particular, mem::replace happily moves !Unpin data (it works for any &mut T, not just when T: Unpin). However, you cannot use mem::replace on data wrapped inside a Pin<P> because you cannot get the &mut T you need for that, and that is what makes this system work.

So this, for example, can only be done on types implementing Unpin:

use std::mem;
use std::pin::Pin;

let mut string = "this".to_string();
let mut pinned_string = Pin::new(&mut string);

// We need a mutable reference to call `mem::replace`.
// We can obtain such a reference by (implicitly) invoking `Pin::deref_mut`,
// but that is only possible because `String` implements `Unpin`.
mem::replace(&mut *pinned_string, "other".to_string());

This trait is automatically implemented for almost every type.

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<'a, T> Unpin for &'a mut T where
    T: 'a + ?Sized

impl<T> Unpin for *const T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<'a, T> Unpin for &'a T where
    T: 'a + ?Sized

impl !Unpin for PhantomPinned[src]

impl<T> Unpin for *mut T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Unpin for Box<T> where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Unpin for Rc<T> where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Unpin for Arc<T> where
    T: ?Sized

impl Unpin for isize

impl Unpin for i8

impl Unpin for i16

impl Unpin for i32

impl Unpin for i64

impl Unpin for i128

impl Unpin for usize

impl Unpin for u8

impl Unpin for u16

impl Unpin for u32

impl Unpin for u64

impl Unpin for u128

impl Unpin for f32

impl Unpin for f64

impl Unpin for bool

impl Unpin for char

impl Unpin for str

impl<T> Unpin for [T] where
    T: Unpin

impl Unpin for [u8]

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impl Unpin for Waker[src]

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Auto implementors

impl Unpin for Infallible

impl Unpin for TryFromSliceError

impl Unpin for RawWaker

impl Unpin for RawWakerVTable

impl<'a> Unpin for Context<'a>

impl<I> Unpin for Copied<I> where
    I: Unpin

impl<P> Unpin for Pin<P> where
    P: Unpin

impl<T> Unpin for Poll<T> where
    T: Unpin

impl<T> Unpin for MaybeUninit<T> where
    T: Unpin

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