Macro stakker::fwd_to

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macro_rules! fwd_to {
    ($($x:tt)*) => { ... };
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Create a Fwd instance for actor calls

The syntax is similar to that used for call!, except that the call is followed by as and a tuple of argument types (which may be empty). These types are the types of the arguments accepted by the Fwd instance when it is called, and which are appended to the argument list of the method call. So each call to a method is made up of first the fixed arguments (if any) provided at the time the Fwd instance was created, followed by the variable arguments (if any) provided when the Fwd instance was called. This must match the signature of the method itself.

as is used here because this is a standard Rust token that can introduce a tuple and so rustfmt can format the code, although something like with would make more sense.

// Forward to a method in this actor or in another actor
fwd_to!([cx], method(arg1, arg2...) as (type1, type2...));
fwd_to!([actorxx], method(arg1, arg2...) as (type1, type2...));

// Forward to a method whilst in the 'Prep' state
fwd_to!([cx], Self::method(arg1, arg2...) as (type1, type2...));
fwd_to!([cx], <path::Type>::method(arg1, arg2...) as (type1, type2...));
fwd_to!([actoryy], Type::method(arg1, arg2...) as (type1, type2...));
fwd_to!([actorzz], <path::Type>::method(arg1, arg2...) as (type1, type2...));

// Forward a call to inline code which refers to this actor.  In
// this case the `Fwd` argument list is extracted from the closure
// argument list and no `as` section is required.  Closure is
// always treated as a `move` closure.
fwd_to!([cx], |this, cx, arg1: type1, arg2: type2...| ...code...);

Implemented using Fwd::to_actor or Fwd::to_actor_prep.