Crate stabilityai

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Rust library for based on OpenAPI spec.

Creating client

use stabilityai::Client;

// Create a client with api key from env var STABILITY_API_KEY and default base url.
let client = Client::new();

// OR use API key from different source and a non default organization
let api_key = "sk-..."; // This secret could be from a file, or environment variable.
let client = Client::new()

// Use custom reqwest client
let http_client = reqwest::ClientBuilder::new()

let client = Client::new()

Making requests

 use stabilityai::Client;

 // Create client
 let client = Client::new();

 // Call API
 let response = client

 println!("{:#?}", response);


For full working examples see examples directory in the repository.


  • Errors originating from API calls, parsing responses, and reading-or-writing to the file system.
  • Types used in API requests and responses. These types are created from component schemas in the OpenAPI spec


  • Client is a container of configurations to make API calls.
  • Enumerate available engines
  • Generate images from text, existing images, or both
  • Manage your account, and view account/organization balances
