Crate ssstar

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Highly concurrent archiving of S3 objects to and from tar archives.

This is the Rust library crate which powers the ssstar CLI. If you’re looking for the ssstar command line utility, see the ssstar-cli crate.

To create a tar archive containing S3 objects, instantiate a CreateArchiveJob:

// Write the archive to a local file
let target = TargetArchive::File("test.tar".into());

let mut builder = CreateArchiveJobBuilder::new(Config::default(), target);

// Archive all of the objects in this bucket

let job =;


Target archives can be written to a local file, an S3 bucket, or an arbitrary Tokio AsyncWrite implementation. See TargetArchive for more details.

Restoring a tar archive to object storage is similarly straightforward:

// Read the archive from a local file
let source = SourceArchive::File("test.tar".into());

// Extract the archive to an S3 bucket, prepending a `foo/` prefix to every file path in
// the archive
let target = "s3://my-bucket/foo/".parse::<url::Url>()?;

let mut builder = ExtractArchiveJobBuilder::new(Config::default(), source, target).await?;

// Extract only text files, in any directory, from the archive

let job =;



The configuration settings that control the behavior of archive creation and extraction.
A job which will create a new tar archive from object store inputs.


Represents from where the archive will be read
Represents where we will write the target archive


A trait which callers can implement to get detailed progress updates as archive creation is progressing.
A trait which callers can implement to get detailed progress updates as the extract operation is progressing.

Type Definitions