Expand description


An ssh-agent client implementation in rust, aiming to provide a robust, well tested and easy to use synchronous API to interact with an ssh-agent.


use ssh_agent_client_rs::Client;
use ssh_key::PublicKey;

let mut client = Client::connect(path_to_ssh_auth_socket).expect("failed to connect");

// List the identities that the connected ssh-agent makes available
let identities: Vec<PublicKey> = client.list_identities().expect("failed to list identities");


  • A Client instance is an object that can be used to interact with an ssh-agent, typically using a Unix socket


  • This enum represents the different Errors that might be returned by this crate.


  • A combination of the std::io::Read and std::io::Write traits.

Type Aliases§

  • A Result variant with this module’s Error as its error type