Crate ssd1331[][src]

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SSD1331 OLED display driver

This crate is an SPI-based driver for the popular SSD1331 colour OLED display. This display uses an RGB565 colour space on a canvas of 96x64 pixels and runs over SPI. This driver should work with any device implementing the embedded-hal blocking::spi::Write trait.

embedded-graphics is also supported behind the graphics feature flag (on by default).

Note that the driver requires at least 12288 bytes (96 x 64 pixels, 16 bits per pixel) of memory to store the display’s framebuffer.


Full examples can be found in the examples/ folder

Set individual pixels with .set_pixel()

use embedded_graphics::{
        raw::{RawData, RawU16},
use ssd1331::{DisplayRotation::Rotate0, Ssd1331};

// Set up SPI interface and digital pin. These are stub implementations used in examples.
let spi = Spi;
let dc = Pin;

let mut display = Ssd1331::new(spi, dc, Rotate0);

// Use raw hex values
display.set_pixel(10, 20, 0xf00);
// Or embedded-graphics' `Rgb565` if the `graphics` feature is enabled
display.set_pixel(10, 30, RawU16::from(Rgb565::new(255, 127, 0)).into_inner());

use embedded_graphics::{geometry::Point, image::Image, pixelcolor::Rgb565, prelude::*};
use ssd1331::{DisplayRotation::Rotate0, Ssd1331};
use tinybmp::Bmp;

// Set up SPI interface and digital pin. These are stub implementations used in examples.
let spi = Spi;
let dc = Pin;

let mut display = Ssd1331::new(spi, dc, Rotate0);

let (w, h) = display.dimensions();

let bmp = Bmp::from_slice(include_bytes!("../examples/rust-pride.bmp"))
    .expect("Failed to load BMP image");

let im: Image<Bmp<Rgb565>> = Image::new(&bmp, Point::zero());

// Position image in the center of the display
let moved = im.translate(Point::new(
    (w as u32 - bmp.size().width) as i32 / 2,
    (h as u32 - bmp.size().height) as i32 / 2,

moved.draw(&mut display).unwrap();



graphics (enabled by default)

Enable the graphics feature in Cargo.toml to get access to features in the embedded-graphics crate. This adds the .draw() method to the Ssd1331 struct which accepts any embedded-graphics compatible item.


SSD1331 display interface


Display rotation

Enum of errors in this crate