Crate sqlx_crud

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sqlx-crud is an extension to sqlx to derive Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) methods for a struct representing a table in a sqlx database.

This removes much of the common, repetitive code needed when dealing with the typical CRUD operations.

This library strives to do a few, narrowly defined things well in an effort to reduce 80% of the redundant code you might write for a database application when operating on a single table at a time. It provides mechanisms: Schema and Crud, to access and reuse the generated id, column, and query metadata. This can help with writing more complex queries outside of the single table CRUD paradigm.

Design Considerations

The code currently assumes identifiers are assigned outside of the database. This likely means the identifier is a UUID. Database generated IDs will be added in a subsequent release.

The primary key for the table can be indicated by use of the sqlx_crud_macros::SqlxCrud #[id] field attribute. If no field is tagged as the sqlx_crud_macros::SqlxCrud #[id] then the first field in the struct is assumed to be the ID.

The ordering of the columns used by queries and which columns are present is controlled by the field order of the struct. Ignored fields are not currently supported but will be added.


Because sqlx-crud depends on sqlx you need to use the same executor and TLS feature pair as you did with sqlx. If for example you used tokio-rustls with sqlx you should also use the same feature with sqlx-crud.

Hopefully I can figure out a way to remove this requirement. I think I might need to use a script and interrogate the sqlx features that way.


Given a table users defined as:

    username TEXT NOT NULL

To define a User struct with generated Crud methods:

use sqlx::FromRow;
use sqlx_crud::SqlxCrud;

#[derive(Debug, FromRow, SqlxCrud)]
pub struct User {
   pub user_id: i32,
   pub name: String,

To create a new User in the database:

use sqlx_crud::Crud;

let new_user = User { user_id: 2, name: "new_user".to_string() };

To query for a User where user_id = 1:

use sqlx_crud::Crud;

if let Some(user) = User::by_id(&pool, 1).await? {
    println!("User: {:?}", user);

To update an existing record:

use sqlx_crud::Crud;

if let Some(mut user) = User::by_id(&pool, 1).await? { = "something else".to_string();

To delete a record:

use sqlx_crud::Crud;

if let Some(mut user) = User::by_id(&pool, 1).await? {

Reusing and modifying the [select_sql] query string:

use futures::stream::TryStreamExt;
use sqlx_crud::{Schema, SqlxCrud};

#[derive(Debug, FromRow, SqlxCrud)]
pub struct User {
   pub user_id: i32,
   pub name: String,

impl User {
    pub async fn all_limit(pool: &SqlitePool, limit: i32) -> Result<Vec<Self>, sqlx::Error> {
        let query = format!(
            "{} ORDER BY ASC LIMIT ?",
            <Self as Schema>::select_sql()

        let mut users = Vec::new();
        let mut stream = sqlx::query_as::<_, Self>(&query)

        while let Some(user) = stream.try_next().await? {


Planned Future Improvements

Subsequent updates will extend the library to be more useful in a larger variety of situations.

  • Allow database assigned primary keys
  • Crud::create() should return the assigned ID
  • Add a field attribute to ignore fields



Derive Macros