Struct sputnikvm::TransactionVM [] [src]

pub struct TransactionVM<M, P: Patch>(_);

A VM that executes using a transaction and block information.


impl<M: Memory + Default, P: Patch> TransactionVM<M, P>


Create a new VM using the given transaction, block header and patch. This VM runs at the transaction level.


Create a new VM with the result of the previous VM. This is usually used by transaction for chaining them.


Returns the real used gas by the transaction. This is what is recorded in the transaction receipt.


Returns the current state of the VM.


Returns the current runtime machine.

Trait Implementations

impl<M: Memory + Default, P: Patch> VM for TransactionVM<M, P>


Commit an account information to this VM. This should only be used when receiving RequireError. Read more


Commit a block hash to this VM. This should only be used when receiving RequireError. Read more


Returns the current status of the VM.


Run one instruction and return. If it succeeds, VM status can still be Running. If the call stack has more than one items, this will only executes the last items' one single instruction. Read more


Returns the changed or committed accounts information up to current execution status. Read more


Returns all fetched or modified addresses.


Returns the out value, if any.


Returns the available gas of this VM.


Returns the refunded gas of this VM.


Returns logs to be appended to the current block if the user decided to accept the running status of this VM. Read more


Returns all removed account addresses as for current VM execution.


Run instructions until it reaches a RequireError or exits. If this function succeeds, the VM status can only be either ExitedOk or ExitedErr. Read more