Struct sputnikvm_network_expanse::SpuriousDragonPatch[][src]

pub struct SpuriousDragonPatch;

Spurious Dragon patch.

Trait Implementations

impl Patch for SpuriousDragonPatch

Account patch

Maximum contract size.

Limit of the call stack.

Gas paid for extcode.

Gas paid for BALANCE opcode.

Gas paid for SLOAD opcode.

Gas paid for SUICIDE opcode.

Gas paid for SUICIDE opcode when it hits a new account.

Gas paid for CALL opcode.

Gas paid for EXP opcode for every byte.

Gas paid for a contract creation transaction.

Whether to force code deposit even if it does not have enough gas. Read more

Whether the EVM has DELEGATECALL opcode.

Whether the EVM has STATICCALL opcode.

Whether the EVM has REVERT opcode.


Whether to throw out of gas error when CALL/CALLCODE/DELEGATECALL requires more than maximum amount of gas. Read more

If true, only consume at maximum l64(after_gas) when CALL/CALLCODE/DELEGATECALL. Read more

Maximum size of the memory, in bytes.

Precompiled contracts at given address, with required code, and its definition. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations