Type Definition sprs::CsMatI[][src]

type CsMatI<N, I, Iptr = I> = CsMatBase<N, I, Vec<Iptr>, Vec<I>, Vec<N>, Iptr>;


impl<N, I: SpIndex, Iptr: SpIndex> CsMatI<N, I, Iptr>[src]

pub fn eye(dim: usize) -> Self where
    N: Num + Clone

Identity matrix, stored as a CSR matrix.

use sprs::{CsMat, CsVec};
let eye = CsMat::eye(5);
let x = CsVec::new(5, vec![0, 2, 4], vec![1., 2., 3.]);
let y = &eye * &x;
assert_eq!(x, y);

pub fn eye_csc(dim: usize) -> Self where
    N: Num + Clone

Identity matrix, stored as a CSC matrix.

use sprs::{CsMat, CsVec};
let eye = CsMat::eye_csc(5);
let x = CsVec::new(5, vec![0, 2, 4], vec![1., 2., 3.]);
let y = &eye * &x;
assert_eq!(x, y);

pub fn empty(storage: CompressedStorage, inner_size: usize) -> Self[src]

Create an empty CsMat for building purposes

pub fn zero(shape: Shape) -> Self[src]

Create a new CsMat representing the zero matrix. Hence it has no non-zero elements.

pub fn reserve_outer_dim(&mut self, outer_dim_additional: usize)[src]

Reserve the storage for the given additional number of nonzero data

pub fn reserve_nnz(&mut self, nnz_additional: usize)[src]

Reserve the storage for the given additional number of nonzero data

pub fn reserve_outer_dim_exact(&mut self, outer_dim_lim: usize)[src]

Reserve the storage for the given number of nonzero data

pub fn reserve_nnz_exact(&mut self, nnz_lim: usize)[src]

Reserve the storage for the given number of nonzero data

pub fn csr_from_dense(m: ArrayView<'_, N, Ix2>, epsilon: N) -> Self where
    N: Num + Clone + PartialOrd + Signed

Create a CSR matrix from a dense matrix, ignoring elements lower than epsilon.

If epsilon is negative, it will be clamped to zero.

pub fn csc_from_dense(m: ArrayView<'_, N, Ix2>, epsilon: N) -> Self where
    N: Num + Clone + PartialOrd + Signed

Create a CSC matrix from a dense matrix, ignoring elements lower than epsilon.

If epsilon is negative, it will be clamped to zero.

pub fn append_outer(self, data: &[N]) -> Self where
    N: Clone + Num

Append an outer dim to an existing matrix, compressing it in the process

pub fn append_outer_csvec(self, vec: CsVecViewI<'_, N, I>) -> Self where
    N: Clone

Append an outer dim to an existing matrix, provided by a sparse vector

pub fn insert(&mut self, row: usize, col: usize, val: N)[src]

Insert an element in the matrix. If the element is already present, its value is overwritten.

Warning: this is not an efficient operation, as it requires a non-constant lookup followed by two Vec insertions.

The insertion will be efficient, however, if the elements are inserted according to the matrix’s order, eg following the row order for a CSR matrix.

impl<N, I, Iptr> CsMatI<N, I, Iptr> where
    N: Default,
    I: SpIndex,
    Iptr: SpIndex

pub fn into_csc(self) -> Self where
    N: Clone

Create a new CSC matrix equivalent to this one. If this matrix is CSR, it is converted to CSC If this matrix is CSC, it is returned by value

pub fn into_csr(self) -> Self where
    N: Clone

Create a new CSR matrix equivalent to this one. If this matrix is CSC, it is converted to CSR If this matrix is CSR, it is returned by value