Module spirit::guide::levels[][src]

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Low and high level APIs

The way most of the documentation describes spirit, it is meant as batteries included manager of your application. While that might speed up development and take care of everything, sometimes you might need to do things your way, not the way the library wants to. So this section describes the various levels of the API, so you can take advantage of parts of what is offered while doing the rest in a custom way.

Let’s start with the lowest tier first.

Loading of configuration

The first tier helps with configuration loading. You specify the structures that should be filled with the configuration or command line options. Spirit reads the command line, finds the relevant configuration files (depending on both compiled-in values and values on the command line), scans configuration directories and hands the configuration to you.

You can also ask it to reload the configuration later on, to see if it changed (but you do so manually).

This basic configuration loading lives in the cfg_loader module.

use serde::Deserialize;
use spirit::{AnyError, ConfigBuilder, Empty};
use spirit::cfg_loader::Builder;

#[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize)]
struct Cfg {
    message: String,

static DEFAULT_CFG: &str = r#"
message = "hello"

fn main() -> Result<(), AnyError> {
    // Don't care about command line options - there are none in addition to specifying the
    // configuration. If we wanted some more config options, we would use a StructOpt
    // structure instead of Empty.
    // If the user specifies invalid options, a help is printed and the application exits.
    let (Empty {}, mut loader) = Builder::new()

    // This can be done as many times as needed, to load fresh configuration.
    let cfg: Cfg = loader.load()?;

    // The interesting stuff of your application.
    println!("{}", cfg.message);

Prefabricated fragments of configuration

Having your configuration is not enough. You need to do something with the configuration. And if it is something specific to your service, then there’s nothing much spirit can do. But usually, there’s a lot of the common functionality ‒ you want to configure logging, ports your service listens on, etc.

For that reason, there are additional crates that each bring some little fragment you can reuse in your configuration. That fragment provides the configuration options that’ll appear inside the configuration. But it also comes with functionality to create whatever it is being configured with just a method call.

Most of them are described by the Fragment trait which allows it to participate in some further tiers.

Currently, there are these crates with fragments:

Also, while this is not outright a configuration fragment, it comes close. When you build your configuration from the fragments, there’s a lot of options. The spirit-cfg-helpers crate brings the --help-config and --dump-config command line options, that describe what options can be configured and what values would be used after combining all configuration sources together.

You can create your own fragments and, if it’s something others could use, share them.

use log::info;
use serde::Deserialize;
use spirit::AnyError;
use spirit::cfg_loader::{Builder, ConfigBuilder};
use spirit::fragment::Fragment;
use spirit_log::{Cfg as LogCfg, CfgAndOpts as Logging, Opts as LogOpts};
use structopt::StructOpt;

#[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize)]
struct Cfg {
    message: String,
    // Some configuration options to configure logging.
    #[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "LogCfg::is_empty")]
    logging: LogCfg,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, StructOpt)]
struct Opts {
    // And some command line switches to also interact with logging.
    logging: LogOpts,

static DEFAULT_CFG: &str = r#"
message = "hello"

fn main() -> Result<(), AnyError> {
    // Here we added
    let (opts, mut loader): (Opts, _) = Builder::new()
    let cfg: Cfg = loader.load()?;

    // We put them together (speciality of the logging fragments ‒ some other fragments come
    // only in the configuration).
    let logging = Logging {
        cfg: cfg.logging,
        opts: opts.logging,
    // And here we get ready-made top level logger we can use.
    // (the "logging" string helps to identify fragments in logs ‒ when stuff gets complex,
    // naming things helps).
    // This can configure multiple loggers at once (STDOUT, files, network…).
    let logger = logging.create("logging")?;
    // This apply is from the fern crate. It's one-time initialization. If you want to update
    // logging at runtime, see the next section.

    // The interesting stuff of your application.
    info!("{}", cfg.message);

Application lifetime management

There’s the Spirit object (and its Builder) you can use. It’ll start by loading the configuration. It’ll also wait for signals (like SIGHUP or SIGTERM) and reload configuration as needed, terminate the application, provide access to the currently loaded configuration, etc. This is done in a background thread which registers the signals using signal_hook.

You can attach callbacks to it that’ll get called at appropriate times ‒ when the configuration is being loaded (and you can refuse the configuration as invalid) or when the application should terminate.

The callbacks can be added both to the Builder and to already started Spirit.

You also can have your main body of the application wrapped in the Spirit::run method. That way any errors returned are properly logged and the application terminates with non-zero exit status.

Note that the functionality of these is provided through several traits. It is recommended to import the spirit::prelude::* to get all the relevant traits.

use std::time::Duration;
use std::thread;

use log::{debug, info};
use serde::Deserialize;
use spirit::Spirit;
use spirit::prelude::*;
use spirit::validation::Action;
use spirit_log::{Cfg as LogCfg, CfgAndOpts as Logging, Opts as LogOpts};
use structopt::StructOpt;

#[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize)]
struct Cfg {
    message: String,
    sleep: u64,
    #[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "LogCfg::is_empty")]
    logging: LogCfg,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, StructOpt)]
struct Opts {
    // And some command line switches to also interact with logging.
    logging: LogOpts,

static DEFAULT_CFG: &str = r#"
message = "hello"
sleep = 2

fn main() {
    // Sets up spirit_log ‒ it will register panic handler to log panics. It will also prepare
    // the global logger so the actual logger can be replaced multiple times, using the
    // spirit_log::install
    Spirit::<Opts, Cfg>::new()
        // Provide default values for the configuration
        // If the program is passed a directory, load files with these extensions from there
        .config_exts(&["toml", "ini", "json"])
        .on_terminate(|| debug!("Asked to terminate"))
        .config_validator(|_old_cfg, cfg, opts| {
            let logging = Logging {
                opts: opts.logging.clone(),
                cfg: cfg.logging.clone(),
            // Whenever there's a new configuration, create new logging
            let logger = logging.create("logging")?;
            // But postpone the installation until the whole config has been validated and
            // accepted.
            Ok(Action::new().on_success(|| spirit_log::install(logger)))
        // Run the closure, logging the error nicely if it happens (note: no error happens
        // here)
        .run(|spirit: &_| {
            while !spirit.is_terminated() {
                let cfg = spirit.config(); // Get a new version of config every round
                info!("{}", cfg.message);

Extensions and pipelines

The crates with fragments actually allow their functionality to happen almost automatically. Instead of manually registering a callback when eg. the config is reloaded, each fragment can be either directly registered into the Spirit (or Builder) to do its thing whenever appropriate, or allows building a Pipeline that handles loading and reloading the bit of configuration.

As an example, if the application shall listen on a HTTP endpoint, instead of registering an on_config callback and creating the server based on the new configuration (and shutting down the previous one as needed), you build a pipeline. You provide a function that extracts the HTTP endpoint configuration from the whole configuration, you provide a closure that attaches the actual service to the server and register the pipeline. The pipeline then takes care of creating the server (or servers, if the configuration contains eg. a Vec of them), removing stale ones, rolling back the configuration in case something in it is broken, etc.

Note that some pipelines and extensions are better registered right away, into the Builder (daemonization, logging), you might want to register others only when you are ready for them ‒ you may want to start listening on HTTP only once you’ve loaded all data. In that case you’d register it into the Spirit inside the run method.

use std::time::Duration;
use std::thread;

use log::{debug, info};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use spirit::{Pipeline, Spirit};
use spirit::prelude::*;
use spirit_cfg_helpers::Opts as CfgOpts;
use spirit_daemonize::{Daemon, Opts as DaemonOpts};
use spirit_log::{Cfg as LogCfg, CfgAndOpts as Logging, Opts as LogOpts};
use structdoc::StructDoc;
use structopt::StructOpt;

#[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize, Serialize, StructDoc)]
struct Cfg {
    /// The message to print every now and then.
    message: String,

    /// How long to wait in between messages, in seconds.
    sleep: u64,

    /// How and where to log.
    #[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "LogCfg::is_empty")]
    logging: LogCfg,

    /// How to switch into the background.
    daemon: Daemon,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, StructOpt)]
struct Opts {
    logging: LogOpts,
    daemon: DaemonOpts,
    cfg_opts: CfgOpts,

static DEFAULT_CFG: &str = r#"
message = "hello"
sleep = 2

fn main() {
    Spirit::<Opts, Cfg>::new()
        // Provide default values for the configuration
        // If the program is passed a directory, load files with these extensions from there
        .config_exts(&["toml", "ini", "json"])
        .on_terminate(|| debug!("Asked to terminate"))
        // Daemonization must go early, before any threads are started.
        .with(unsafe {
            spirit_daemonize::extension(|cfg: &Cfg, opts: &Opts| {
                (cfg.daemon.clone(), opts.daemon.clone())
        // All the validation, etc, is done for us behind the scene here.
        // Even the spirit_log::init is not needed, the pipeline handles that.
        .with(Pipeline::new("logging").extract(|opts: &Opts, cfg: &Cfg| Logging {
            cfg: cfg.logging.clone(),
            opts: opts.logging.clone(),
        // Let's provide some --config-help and --config-dump options. These get the
        // information from the documentation strings we provided inside the structures. It
        // also uses the `Serialize` trait to provide the dump.
        .with(CfgOpts::extension(|opts: &Opts| &opts.cfg_opts))
        // And some help
        // Run the closure, logging the error nicely if it happens (note: no error happens
        // here)
        .run(|spirit: &_| {
            while !spirit.is_terminated() {
                let cfg = spirit.config(); // Get a new version of config every round
                info!("{}", cfg.message);