[][src]Function spirit::utils::absolute_from_os_str

pub fn absolute_from_os_str(path: &OsStr) -> PathBuf

Tries to read an absolute path from the given OS string.

This converts the path to PathBuf. Then it tries to make it absolute and canonical, so changing current directory later on doesn't make it invalid.

The function never fails. However, the substeps (finding current directory to make it absolute and canonization) might fail. In such case, the failing step is skipped.

The motivation is parsing command line arguments using the structopt crate. Users are used to passing relative paths to command line (as opposed to configuration files). However, if the daemon changes the current directory (for example during daemonization), the relative paths now point somewhere else.


use std::path::PathBuf;

use structopt::StructOpt;

#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
struct MyOpts {
    #[structopt(short = "p", parse(from_os_str = "spirit::utils::absolute_from_os_str"))]
    path: PathBuf,