pub trait ResourceConsumer<Config, O, C>: Sync + Send + 'staticwhere
    Config: ResourceConfig<O, C>,
{ type Error: Display; type Future: Future<Item = (), Error = Self::Error> + Send + 'static; fn build_future(
        spirit: &Arc<Spirit<O, C>>,
        config: &Arc<Config>,
        resource: Config::Resource,
        name: &str
    ) -> Self::Future; fn install<N: Name>(builder: Builder<O, C>, _name: &N) -> Builder<O, C> { ... } }
Expand description

The part that gets a resource and builds a future out of it.

This is the place where application specific code goes. It is given the created resource (or resources ‒ see the details of construction on ResourceConfig. It then produces a future that gets spawned onto a runtime and is dropped when no longer needed.

A closure taking the right parameters (corresponding to build_future) implements this trait. In application code, you usually provide either a closure, or closure wrapped by some decorator function (like per_connection).


Errors returned from here are only logged. If some further action is needed to be taken as a result of an error (aborting the program, calling the admin…), it needs to be done as part of the returned future already.

Required Associated Types

The error returned by the future.

Note that the error is only logged. If some action needs to be taken as part of the error handling, it is the responsibility of the implementor of this trait to already do so.

The type of the future created.

Required Methods

Turns the provided resource into a future that’ll get spawned onto a runtime.

  • spirit: The global spirit object managing the application.
  • config: The config that led to creation of this resource and implements the ResourceConfig trait. In case of the fragments in this crate, this is mostly useful only if it carries some extra configuration (specified by a type parameter). See the ExtraCfgCarrier trait. User-supplied ResourceConfigs may of course offer additional interface to interact with them (like having public fields).
  • resource: The actual resource to use.
  • name: The name of the resource as it should appear in logs.

Provided Methods

A hook called when this gets plugged into the Builder.

The provided implementation does nothing (same as implementation for closures). This, however, allows for further interaction with the Builder, like installing additional config_validator to validate (or modify) the configuration. It is called before installation of the validator that manages creation of the resource.
