Module spiffe::workload_api[][src]

Expand description

A client to interact with the Workload API to fetch X.509 and JWT materials.


use std::error::Error;
use spiffe::workload_api::client::WorkloadApiClient;

use spiffe::svid::x509::X509Svid;
use spiffe::bundle::x509::X509BundleSet;
use spiffe::workload_api::x509_context::X509Context;

// create a new Workload API client connecting to an socket path defined by the environment variable:
// `export SPIFFE_ENDPOINT_SOCKET = "unix:/tmp/spire-agent/api/public.sock"`
let client = WorkloadApiClient::default()?;

let target_audience = &["service1", "service2"];
// fetch a jwt token for the default identity with target audience
let jwt_token = client.fetch_jwt_token(target_audience, None)?;

// fetch the jwt token for the default identity and parses it as a `JwtSvid`
let jwt_svid = client.fetch_jwt_svid(target_audience, None)?;

// fetch a set of jwt bundles (public keys for validating jwt token)
let jwt_bundles = client.fetch_jwt_bundles()?;

// fetch the default X.509 SVID
let x509_svid: X509Svid = client.fetch_x509_svid()?;

// fetch a set of X.509 bundles (X.509 public key authorities)
let x509_bundles: X509BundleSet = client.fetch_x509_bundles()?;

// fetch all the X.509 materials (SVIDs and bundles)
let x509_context: X509Context = client.fetch_x509_context()?;



Provides functions to validate SPIFFE socket endpoint paths.


A Workload API client implementation to fetch X.509 and JWT materials.


Defines a type that holds all the X.509 materials for a workload (i.e. X.509 SVIDs and bundles)