[][src]Function spatialite_sys::gaiaEllipseParams

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gaiaEllipseParams(
    name: *const c_char,
    a: *mut f64,
    b: *mut f64,
    rf: *mut f64
) -> c_int

Retrieves Geodesic params for an Ellipsoid definition

\param name text string identifying an Ellipsoid definition. \param a on completion this variable will contain the first geodesic param. \param b on completion this variable will contain the second geodesic param. \param rf on completion this variable will contain the third geodesic param.

\return 0 on failure: any other value on success.

\sa gaiaGreatCircleDistance, gaiaGeodesicDistance, gaiaGreatCircleTotalLength, gaiaGeodesicTotalLength

\note supported Ellipsoid definitions are: \b MERIT, \b SGS85, \b GRS80, \b IAU76, \b airy, \b APL4.9, \b NWL9D, \b mod_airy, \b andrae, \b aust_SA, \b GRS67, \b bessel, \b bess_nam, \b clrk66, \b clrk80, \b CPM, \b delmbr, \b engelis, \b evrst30, \b evrst48, \b evrst56, \b evrst69, \b evrstSS, \b fschr60