Crate spare_buffer

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A wrapper around Vec<T> that gives access to the “spare” capacity of the vector as a &mut[T] slice.

Useful to allocate “spare” capacity at the end of the underlying vector and fill it directly, e.g. by read()ing from a file or stream, without initialize the memory first. Once filled, the vector can be “extended” into the previously allocated spare capacity.

The following two steps are always required, usually performed in a loop:

  1. Allocate a new “spare” buffer of appropriate length.
  2. Commit the “spare” buffer, once it has been filled with some valid data.

Note that, after step #1, the “spare” buffer is not considered a valid part of the underlying vector yet. Committing the data, in step #2, effectively appends the contents of the “spare” buffer to the underlying vector, but without copying the data.

It is not necessary to fill all of the “spare” buffer; only the first n elements may be committed. However, all elements to be committed must have been initialized, or the contents of the underlying vector are unspecified after the commit!

Example #1

For starters, fill a pre-allocated SpareBuffer with some numbers:

fn main() {
    let mut vec: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(128);
    let mut buffer = SpareBuffer::from(&mut vec, None);

    let spare = buffer.allocate_spare(NonZeroUsize::new(100).unwrap());
    for i in 0..50 {
        spare[i] = i as u8;
    // Whoops: only &spare[0..50] was initialized, but 100 elements are committed!
    buffer.commit(100).expect("Failed to commit!");
    println!("Expect valid numbers:");
    println!("{:?}\n", &vec[..50]);
    println!("Expect \"unspecified\" garbage:");
    println!("{:?}\n", &vec[50..]);

Example #2

Read a file into a vector, chunk by chunk, using a SpareBuffer to accumulate all data:

fn main() {
    let mut vec: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(1048576);
    let mut buffer = SpareBuffer::from(&mut vec, NonZeroUsize::new(10485760));
    let chunk_size = NonZeroUsize::new(4096).unwrap();
    let mut file = File::open("input.dat").expect("Failed to open input file!");
    loop {
        let spare = buffer.allocate_spare(chunk_size);
        let count ="File read error encountered!");
        if count > 0 {
            buffer.commit(count).expect("Failed to commit!");
        } else {
            break; /* EOF*/
    println!("Length: {:?}", vec.len());


A wrapper around Vec<T> that provides access to the “spare” capacity of the vector as a &mut[T] slice.


Primitive types.