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Delaunay triangulations for the rust eco system.


  • A 2D Delaunay triangulation: DelaunayTriangulation
  • Uses exact geometric predicate evaluation, preventing construction errors due to precision loss.
  • A 2D constrained Delaunay triangulation: ConstrainedDelaunayTriangulation
  • Supports vertex removal
  • Serde support with the serde feature.


Handle types used for traversal and modification of triangulations.
Internals that must be published due to technical reasons. This is not the place you are looking for. A change to these items is not considered to be a breaking change.
Iterators over various elements of Delaunay triangulations.


Undirected edge type of a ConstrainedDelaunayTriangulation (CDT).
A hint generator that returns the last used vertex as hint.
Describes on which side of a line a a point lies.
A two dimensional point.
Indicates a point’s projected position relative to an edge.


The error type used for inserting elements into a triangulation.
Describes a position in a triangulation.


The largest allowed coordinate value that can be inserted into Delaunay triangulations. This value is equal to 2201.
The smallest allowed coordinate value greater than zero that can be inserted into Delaunay triangulations. This value is equal to 2-142.


Implements general functions for triangulations over floating point data types.
An object with position.
A structure used to speed up common operations on delaunay triangulations like insertion and geometry queries by providing hints on where to start searching for elements.
A coordinate type that can be used with a triangulation.
Defines common operations on triangulations.


Prevents underflow issues of a position by setting any coordinate that is too small to zero.
Checks if a coordinate value is suitable for insertion into a Delaunay triangulation.
Checks if a vertex is suitable for insertion into a Delaunay triangulation.

Type Definitions

A hint generator based on a hierarchy of triangulations optimized for randomly accessing elements of the triangulation.