Crate sov_state

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Storage and state management interfaces for Sovereign SDK modules.



  • Serialization and deserialization -related logic.
  • Configuration options for Storage types.
  • Trait and type definitions related to the Storage trait.


  • A Vec of bytes whose length is guaranteed to be aligned to 4 bytes. This makes certain operations cheaper in zk-context (namely, concatenation).
  • A Vec-based implementation of Witness with no special logic.
  • CacheLog keeps track of the original and current values of each key accessed. By tracking original values, we can detect and eliminate write patterns where a key is changed temporarily and then reset to its original value
  • The default MerkleProofSpec implementation.
  • A struct that contains the values read from the DB and the values to be written, both in deterministic order.
  • A prefix prepended to each key before insertion and retrieval from the storage.
  • Caches reads and writes for a (key, value) pair. On the first read the value is fetched from an external source represented by the ValueReader trait. On following reads, the cache checks if the value we read was inserted before.
  • A Storage implementation designed to be used inside the zkVM.


  • A trait specifying the hash function and format of the witness used in merkle proofs for storage access
  • A witness is a value produced during native execution that is then used by the zkVM circuit to produce proofs.