Crate sourceannot

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A library to render snippets of source code with annotations. It is meant to be used as a building block for compiler diagnostics.


// Some source code
let source = indoc::indoc! {r#"
    fn main() {
        println!("Hello, world!");

// Create the snippet
let snippet = sourceannot::SourceSnippet::build_from_utf8(1, source.as_bytes(), 4);

// Styles are generic over the type of the metadata that accompanies each
// chunk of rendered text. In this example, we will use the following enum:
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Color {
// If do not you need this per-chunk metadata, you can use `()` instead.

// Define the styles
// Use Unicode box drawing characters
let main_style = sourceannot::MainStyle {
    margin: Some(sourceannot::MarginStyle {
        line_char: '│',
        dot_char: '·',
        meta: Color::Blue,
    horizontal_char: '─',
    vertical_char: '│',
    top_vertical_char: '╭',
    top_corner_char: '╭',
    bottom_corner_char: '╰',
    spaces_meta: Color::Default,
    text_normal_meta: Color::Default,
    text_alt_meta: Color::Default,

// You can use a different style for each annotation, but in
// this example we will use the same style for all of them.
let annot_style = sourceannot::AnnotStyle {
    caret: '^',
    text_normal_meta: Color::Red,
    text_alt_meta: Color::Red,
    line_meta: Color::Red,

// Create the annotations
let mut annotations = sourceannot::Annotations::new(&snippet, main_style);

    vec![("this is the `main` function".into(), Color::Red)],
    vec![("this is a macro invocation".into(), Color::Red)],

// Render the snippet with annotations
let max_line_no_width = annotations.max_line_no_width();
let rendered = annotations.render(max_line_no_width, 0, 0);

// `rendered` is a `Vec<(String, Color)>`, which you could print with
// your favorite terminal coloring library. In this example, we will
// ignore the colors.

for (chunk, _) in rendered.iter() {

The output will look like this:

1 │ ╭ fn main() {
2 │ │     println!(\"Hello, world!\");
  │ │     ^^^^^^^^ this is a macro invocation
3 │ │ }
  │ ╰─^ this is the `main` function
