Crate soundtouch

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A safe utility wrapper around the SoundTouch C++ audio library. The API is very similar to the original C++ API.

Most of the documentation is copied from the SoundTouch repository.

High Level Example

use soundtouch::{SoundTouch, Setting};

let mut soundtouch = SoundTouch::new();
    // Recommended setting to speed up processing
    .set_setting(Setting::UseQuickseek, 1);

// use actual audio samples here
let samples = vec![0.0; 44100 * 2];
let output_samples = soundtouch.generate_audio(&samples);

// do something with output_samples

Low Level Example

use soundtouch::{SoundTouch, Setting};

let mut soundtouch = SoundTouch::new();
    // Recommended setting to speed up processing
    .set_setting(Setting::UseQuickseek, 1);

// use actual audio samples here
let mut samples = vec![0.0; 44100 * 2];

const BUF_SIZE: usize = 6720;
let mut new_samples: [f32; BUF_SIZE] = [0.0; BUF_SIZE];
let mut output_samples: Vec<f32> = Vec::with_capacity(samples.len());
soundtouch.put_samples(&samples, samples.len() / 2);
let mut n_samples = 1;
while n_samples != 0 {
    n_samples = soundtouch.receive_samples(
        BUF_SIZE / 2

// do something with output_samples

Both examples should produce the same output.


This create is no_std but does provide the generate_audio utility function, which requires the alloc feature (enabled by default).

To run in a completely no_std environment, disable the default features.

  • alloc (enabled by default): Enables the use of the generate_audio function.


  • Beats-per-minute (BPM) detection routine.
  • Main class for tempo/pitch/rate adjusting routines.


  • A list of settings that can be enabled or disabled.