Module sounding_analysis::experimental::fire[][src]

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Experimental sounding analysis for fire weather.


This characterizes how much heating it would take to cause a plume to “blow up”.

Result of lifting a parcel represntative of a fire plume core.

Various analysis results of lifting plumes parcels vs the heating supplied.


Lift a parcel until the net CAPE is zero.

Find the parcel that causes the plume to blow up by finding the maximum derivative of the equilibrium level vs parcel heating.

Generate a series of PlumeAscentAnalysiss for a given sounding starting at the mixed layer parcel and warming it by increment until it has gone max_range degrees.

Create a new parcel assuming a starting parcel and a temperature increment.

Lift a parcel until the net CAPE is zero. Lift it at least 100 hPa above the surface.

Do a PlumeHeatingAnalysis.