Crate sort_algorithms[][src]


Bubble sort is an algorithm that use order by comapare values.

Cocktail Shaker Sort is an algorithm is a derivation from bubble sort.

Counting Sort is an algorithm that use the strategy of it uses key values as indexes into an array and the lower bound for comparison sorting will not apply. !important only positive keys

Flash Sort is an algorithm that use the strategy that you can compute the approximate final position directly from the element value, with no comparisons.

Counting Sort is an algorithm that use the strategy of it uses key values as indexes into an array and the lower bound for comparison sorting will not apply. !important only positive keys

Heap sort is an generalist algorithm that use the strategy order by selecion.

Insertion sort is an algorithm that use strategy where catch one element and compare against orthers.

Merge sort is an algorithm that use the strategy order by comparation and divide to conquer.

Radix sort is an algorithm that use the strategy non-comparative. !important only positive keys

Selection Sort is an algorithm that use order by selection. !important only positive keys