Crate sopht

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sopht is a program for managing long running processes in a (slightly) more sophisticated way than something like tmux. this library currently implements the IPC protocol sopht uses to pass commands and responses between clients and a server, as well as the machinery required for starting and managing child processes



  • this module contains all the shared IPC logic agnostic to servers and clients. in particular, it contains the Message type and its components and the Connection type, which abstracts away sopht’s messaging protocol
  • contains all structures and functions related to the State structure. this includes the implementations of all the server-side process management functions like start and status as well as things like RestartPolicy and [ManagedProcess]
  • this module contains all necessary logic for starting and interacting with processes across all platforms


  • represents a response from the server to the client. this should never be received by a server. additionally, this structure is subject to change in the future as responses get more detailed


  • represents a command to be executed by a server. this should never be received by a client.
  • union of all errors resulting from sopht functions. this type implements Display and Error, and is the error type of sopht::Result.
  • union of all different message types. currently the only two message types are Command and Response. the Command variant should only ever be sent by clients and received by servers, and the Response variant should only ever be received by clients and sent by servers


Type Aliases

  • specialized Result type for return values from sopht functions