Expand description

A bitvector of slots present over the last epoch.

The slot history sysvar provides access to the SlotHistory type.

The Sysvar::from_account_info and Sysvar::get methods always return ProgramError::UnsupportedSysvar because this sysvar account is too large to process on-chain. Thus this sysvar cannot be accessed on chain, though one can still use the SysvarId::id, SysvarId::check_id and Sysvar::size_of methods in an on-chain program, and it can be accessed off-chain through RPC.


Calling via the RPC client:

fn print_sysvar_slot_history(client: &RpcClient) -> Result<()> {
    let slot_history = client.get_account(&slot_history::ID)?;
    let data: SlotHistory = bincode::deserialize(&slot_history.data)?;



Account information
A bitvector indicating which slots are present in the past epoch.


Reasons the program may fail


The static program ID.


Returns true if given pubkey is the program ID.
Returns the program ID.