pub trait GeyserPlugin:
    + Send
    + Sync
    + Debug {
Show 13 methods // Required method fn name(&self) -> &'static str; // Provided methods fn setup_logger( &self, logger: &'static dyn Log, level: LevelFilter, ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn on_load(&mut self, _config_file: &str, _is_reload: bool) -> Result<()> { ... } fn on_unload(&mut self) { ... } fn update_account( &self, account: ReplicaAccountInfoVersions<'_>, slot: Slot, is_startup: bool, ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn notify_end_of_startup(&self) -> Result<()> { ... } fn update_slot_status( &self, slot: Slot, parent: Option<u64>, status: SlotStatus, ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn notify_transaction( &self, transaction: ReplicaTransactionInfoVersions<'_>, slot: Slot, ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn notify_entry(&self, entry: ReplicaEntryInfoVersions<'_>) -> Result<()> { ... } fn notify_block_metadata( &self, blockinfo: ReplicaBlockInfoVersions<'_>, ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn account_data_notifications_enabled(&self) -> bool { ... } fn transaction_notifications_enabled(&self) -> bool { ... } fn entry_notifications_enabled(&self) -> bool { ... }
Expand description

Defines a Geyser plugin, to stream data from the runtime. Geyser plugins must describe desired behavior for load and unload, as well as how they will handle streamed data.

Required Methods§


fn name(&self) -> &'static str

Provided Methods§


fn setup_logger( &self, logger: &'static dyn Log, level: LevelFilter, ) -> Result<()>

The callback to allow the plugin to setup the logging configuration using the logger and log level specified by the validator. Will be called first on load/reload, before any other callback, and only called once.

use solana_geyser_plugin_interface::geyser_plugin_interface::{GeyserPlugin,
GeyserPluginError, Result};

struct SamplePlugin;
impl GeyserPlugin for SamplePlugin {
    fn setup_logger(&self, logger: &'static dyn log::Log, level: log::LevelFilter) -> Result<()> {
       if let Err(err) = log::set_logger(logger) {
           return Err(GeyserPluginError::Custom(Box::new(err)));
    fn name(&self) -> &'static str {

fn on_load(&mut self, _config_file: &str, _is_reload: bool) -> Result<()>

The callback called when a plugin is loaded by the system, used for doing whatever initialization is required by the plugin. The _config_file contains the name of the of the config file. The config must be in JSON format and include a field “libpath” indicating the full path name of the shared library implementing this interface.


fn on_unload(&mut self)

The callback called right before a plugin is unloaded by the system Used for doing cleanup before unload.


fn update_account( &self, account: ReplicaAccountInfoVersions<'_>, slot: Slot, is_startup: bool, ) -> Result<()>

Called when an account is updated at a slot. When is_startup is true, it indicates the account is loaded from snapshots when the validator starts up. When is_startup is false, the account is updated during transaction processing.


fn notify_end_of_startup(&self) -> Result<()>

Called when all accounts are notified of during startup.


fn update_slot_status( &self, slot: Slot, parent: Option<u64>, status: SlotStatus, ) -> Result<()>

Called when a slot status is updated


fn notify_transaction( &self, transaction: ReplicaTransactionInfoVersions<'_>, slot: Slot, ) -> Result<()>

Called when a transaction is processed in a slot.


fn notify_entry(&self, entry: ReplicaEntryInfoVersions<'_>) -> Result<()>

Called when an entry is executed.


fn notify_block_metadata( &self, blockinfo: ReplicaBlockInfoVersions<'_>, ) -> Result<()>

Called when block’s metadata is updated.


fn account_data_notifications_enabled(&self) -> bool

Check if the plugin is interested in account data Default is true – if the plugin is not interested in account data, please return false.


fn transaction_notifications_enabled(&self) -> bool

Check if the plugin is interested in transaction data Default is false – if the plugin is interested in transaction data, please return true.


fn entry_notifications_enabled(&self) -> bool

Check if the plugin is interested in entry data Default is false – if the plugin is interested in entry data, return true.
