Module sodiumoxide::crypto::box_ [] [src]

Public-key authenticated encryption

Security model

The seal() function is designed to meet the standard notions of privacy and third-party unforgeability for a public-key authenticated-encryption scheme using nonces. For formal definitions see, e.g., Jee Hea An, "Authenticated encryption in the public-key setting: security notions and analyses,"

Distinct messages between the same {sender, receiver} set are required to have distinct nonces. For example, the lexicographically smaller public key can use nonce 1 for its first message to the other key, nonce 3 for its second message, nonce 5 for its third message, etc., while the lexicographically larger public key uses nonce 2 for its first message to the other key, nonce 4 for its second message, nonce 6 for its third message, etc. Nonces are long enough that randomly generated nonces have negligible risk of collision.

There is no harm in having the same nonce for different messages if the {sender, receiver} sets are different. This is true even if the sets overlap. For example, a sender can use the same nonce for two different messages if the messages are sent to two different public keys.

The seal() function is not meant to provide non-repudiation. On the contrary: the seal() function guarantees repudiability. A receiver can freely modify a boxed message, and therefore cannot convince third parties that this particular message came from the sender. The sender and receiver are nevertheless protected against forgeries by other parties. In the terminology of, crypto_box uses "public-key authenticators" rather than "public-key signatures."

Users who want public verifiability (or receiver-assisted public verifiability) should instead use signatures (or signcryption). Signature support is a high priority for NaCl; a signature API will be described in subsequent NaCl documentation.

Selected primitive

seal() is crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305 , a particular combination of Curve25519, Salsa20, and Poly1305 specified in Cryptography in NaCl.

This function is conjectured to meet the standard notions of privacy and third-party unforgeability.

Example (simple interface)

use sodiumoxide::crypto::box_;

let (ourpk, oursk) = box_::gen_keypair();
// normally theirpk is sent by the other party
let (theirpk, theirsk) = box_::gen_keypair();
let nonce = box_::gen_nonce();
let plaintext = b"some data";
let ciphertext = box_::seal(plaintext, &nonce, &theirpk, &oursk);
let their_plaintext = box_::open(&ciphertext, &nonce, &ourpk, &theirsk).unwrap();
assert!(plaintext == &their_plaintext[..]);

Example (precomputation interface)

use sodiumoxide::crypto::box_;

let (ourpk, oursk) = box_::gen_keypair();
let (theirpk, theirsk) = box_::gen_keypair();
let our_precomputed_key = box_::precompute(&theirpk, &oursk);
let nonce = box_::gen_nonce();
let plaintext = b"plaintext";
let ciphertext = box_::seal_precomputed(plaintext, &nonce, &our_precomputed_key);
// this will be identical to our_precomputed_key
let their_precomputed_key = box_::precompute(&ourpk, &theirsk);
let their_plaintext = box_::open_precomputed(&ciphertext, &nonce,
assert!(plaintext == &their_plaintext[..]);


pub use self::curve25519xsalsa20poly1305::*;



crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305 , a particular combination of Curve25519, Salsa20, and Poly1305 specified in Cryptography in NaCl.