Module sodiumoxide::crypto::box_::curve25519xsalsa20poly1305 [] [src]

crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305 , a particular combination of Curve25519, Salsa20, and Poly1305 specified in Cryptography in NaCl.

This function is conjectured to meet the standard notions of privacy and third-party unforgeability.



Nonce for asymmetric authenticated encryption


Applications that send several messages to the same receiver can gain speed by splitting seal() into two steps, precompute() and seal_precomputed(). Similarly, applications that receive several messages from the same sender can gain speed by splitting open() into two steps, precompute() and open_precomputed().


PublicKey for asymmetric authenticated encryption


SecretKey for asymmetric authenticated encryption


Authentication Tag for the detached encryption mode



Number of bytes in the authenticator tag of an encrypted message i.e. the number of bytes by which the ciphertext is larger than the plaintext.


Number of bytes in a Nonce.


Number of bytes in a PrecomputedKey.


Number of bytes in a PublicKey.


Number of bytes in a SecretKey.



gen_keypair() randomly generates a secret key and a corresponding public key.


gen_nonce() randomly generates a nonce


open() verifies and decrypts a ciphertext c using the receiver's secret key sk, the senders public key pk, and a nonce n. It returns a plaintext Ok(m). If the ciphertext fails verification, open() returns Err(()).


open_detached() verifies and decrypts a ciphertext c using the receiver's secret key sk, the senders public key pk, and a nonce n. c is decrypted in place, so if this function is successful it will contain the plaintext. If the ciphertext fails verification, open_detached() returns Err(()), and the ciphertext is not modified.


open_detached_precomputed() verifies and decrypts a ciphertext c using a precomputed key k and a nonce n. c is decrypted in place, so if this function is successful it will contain the plaintext. If the ciphertext fails verification, open_detached() returns Err(()), and the ciphertext is not modified.


open_precomputed() verifies and decrypts a ciphertext c using a precomputed key k and a nonce n. It returns a plaintext Ok(m). If the ciphertext fails verification, open_precomputed() returns Err(()).


precompute() computes an intermediate key that can be used by seal_precomputed() and open_precomputed()


seal() encrypts and authenticates a message m using the senders secret key sk, the receivers public key pk and a nonce n. It returns a ciphertext c.


seal_detached() encrypts and authenticates a message m using the senders secret key sk, the receivers public key pk and a nonce n. m is encrypted in place, so after this function returns it will contain the ciphertext. The detached authentication tag is returned by value.


seal_detached_precomputed() encrypts and authenticates a message m using a precomputed key k and a nonce n. m is encrypted in place, so after this function returns it will contain the ciphertext. The detached authentication tag is returned by value.


seal_precomputed() encrypts and authenticates a message m using a precomputed key k, and a nonce n. It returns a ciphertext c.