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The Rust Standard Library documentation suggests that, for an argument of type ToSocketAddrs you should directly pass a string literal, which is parsed at runtime and thus potentially causing a panic. To solve this, socket_addr! and socket_addr_dyn! macros do the parsing at compile-time and when the address is invalid, cause a compile error.


use socket_addr_macros::socket_addr;

use std::io::Write;
use std::net::TcpListener;

fn main() {
    let listener = TcpListener::bind(socket_addr!(;

    while let Ok((mut conn, _)) = listener.accept() {


Parses an IPv4 or IPv6 address at compile-time and returns a SocketAddr.
Parses an IPv4 or IPv6 address at compile-time and returns either a SocketAddrV4 or a SocketAddrV6 depending on the input.