




  • Returns the block height after a given number of years for a specific block time.
  • Calculate the block reward, given the total supply, block time, coinbase reward, and transaction fees. R_staking = floor((0.05 * S) / H_Y1) + CR / 2 + TX_F. S = Total supply. H_Y1 = Expected block height at year 1. CR = Coinbase reward. TX_F = Transaction fees.
  • Calculates the coinbase reward for a given block. R_coinbase = max(0, H_Y10 - H) * R_anchor * min(P, C_R) / C R_anchor = Anchor reward. H_Y10 = Anchor block height at year 10. H = Current block height. P = Combined proof target. C_R = Remaining coinbase target. C = Coinbase target.
  • Calculate the coinbase target for the given block timestamps and target.
  • Calculate the minimum proof target for the given coinbase target.
  • Calculate the puzzle reward, given the coinbase reward.