Crate smol_mpc

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Smol is a tiny library for learning Secure Multi-party Computation (MPC) using Rust. This library can be considered as a port of TinySMPC with some elements taken from SCL. The purpose of this library is not to implement all the networking and communication required for a real-world implementation of an MPC protocol. Instead, we aim for a simpler representation in which all of these tasks are done locally and the communication is simulated by sending information between virtual machines that represent nodes in the network.

The idea of the library is to represent each node in the network as a as a small virtual machine (see VirtualMachine). Each virtual machine will have a memory of two types. The private memory will store all the that are known by the virtual machine. The shared memory will store the shares distributed in a protocol execution. Both types of memory are implemented in an ID-value structure, which means that all the values will be retrieved and stored by a user-defined ID of type &str. So sending a value from one machine to the other corresponds to retrieving a value from the first party using the ID, and storing it in the memory of the other party using the same ID.

At the time of writing, we have implemented a passive protocol based on additive secret-sharing that performs multiplications using beaver triples. Such Beaver triples are not generated using a protocol, instead, its generation is simulated. In future work, we will work on implementing a protocol to illustrate the generation of Beaver triples.


Here, we present some examples on how to use our library for computing very basic protocols.

Secure addition

Let us start by showing an example of how to execute a protocol for secure addition between two parties. In this protocol, two parties, Alice and Bob, want to add their private values.

use smol_mpc::math::mersenne::{Mersenne61, MersenneField};
use smol_mpc::mpc;
use smol_mpc::utils::prg::Prg;
use smol_mpc::vm::VirtualMachine;
type Fp = Mersenne61;
fn main() {
    // Creates a new pseudo-random generator with a default seed.
    let mut prg = Prg::new(None);

    // Creates two virtual machines that represent the nodes involved in the
    // computation. The ID for each virtual machine is provided in the
    // constructor to identify each virtual machine during the protocol
    // executions.
    let mut alice: VirtualMachine<Fp> = VirtualMachine::new("alice");
    let mut bob: VirtualMachine<Fp> = VirtualMachine::new("bob");
    // Alice stores in her private memory a value with ID "a". This value is
    // known only to alice and no other parties.
    alice.insert_priv_value("a", Fp::new(4));
    // Alice distribute shares of her private valued previously stored with
    // ID "a" among the vector of parties provided. In this case, the vector
    // contains the parties Alice and Bob. At the end of the execution, both
    // of them will have a share of the value 4 stored in their share memory
    // and identified with ID "a".
    mpc::distribute_shares("a", "alice", vec![&mut alice, &mut bob], &mut prg);

    // Bob stores in his private memory a value with ID "b".
    bob.insert_priv_value("b", Fp::new(2));
    // Bob distributes shares of its private value "b" among him and Alice.
    // At the end, both will have a share of the value 2 in their share
    // memory stored with id "b".
    mpc::distribute_shares("b", "bob", vec![&mut alice, &mut bob], &mut prg);

    // Alice and Bob engage in an addition protocol to securely add "a" and
    // "b". The result of this protocol will be shares of the sum of both
    // private values. Such share will be stored in the share memory of both
    // parties using the id "c" provided as the last parameter.
    mpc::add_protocol(&mut vec![&mut alice, &mut bob], "a", "b", "c");

    // Once the sum protocol is completed, Alice and Bob engage in a
    // protocol to reconstruct a secret-shared value. In this case, they
    // want to reconstruct the sum of "a" and "b", whose shares have been
    // computed in the previous step and stored under the ID "c". So they
    // recomstruct the value of "c".
    let sum = mpc::reconstruct_share(&mut vec![&mut alice, &mut bob], "c");

Secure multiplication

Now, let us show a an example of how to perform a multiplication using the library. In this example, two parties, Alice and Bob, want to perfrom a secure multiplication providing their private values.

use smol_mpc::math::mersenne::{Mersenne61, MersenneField};
use smol_mpc::mpc;
use smol_mpc::utils::prg::Prg;
use smol_mpc::vm::VirtualMachine;
type Fp = Mersenne61;
fn main () {
    // Creates a new pseudo-random generator.
    let mut prg = Prg::new(Some(vec![1, 2]));
    // These two lines creates two virtual machines, one for Alice and the
    // other for Bob.
    let mut alice: VirtualMachine<Fp> = VirtualMachine::new("alice");
    let mut bob: VirtualMachine<Fp> = VirtualMachine::new("bob");
    // Alice distributes a private value. Here, Alice and Bob obtain shares
    // of a value stored with ID "a".
    alice.insert_priv_value("a", Fp::new(4));
    mpc::distribute_shares("a", "alice", vec![&mut alice, &mut bob], &mut prg);
    // Bob distributes a private value. Here, Alice and Bob obtain shares
    // of a value stored with ID "b"
    bob.insert_priv_value("b", Fp::new(2));
    mpc::distribute_shares("b", "bob", vec![&mut alice, &mut bob], &mut prg);
    // Here, Alice and Bob receive shares of a Beaver triple (x1, x2, x3),
    // where x3 = x1 * x2. Such shares are stored in the memory of alice and
    // Bob with IDs "x1", "x2" and "x3" respectively.
        &mut vec![&mut alice, &mut bob],
        ("x1", "x2", "x3"),
        &mut prg,
    // Alice and Bob engage in a multiplication protocol to compute securely
    // the product of "a" with "b", using the triple whose ID's are "x1",
    // "x2" and "x3" (the same ones that were created in the previous)
    // instruction. At the end of the computation, Alice and Bob will obtain
    // shares of the product of "a" and "b", and such share will be stored
    // in the memory using the id "prod".
        &mut vec![&mut alice, &mut bob],
        ("x1", "x2", "x3"),
    // Alice and Bob engage in a protocol to reconstruct the value of "prod".
    let mult_reconst = mpc::reconstruct_share(&mut vec![&mut alice, &mut bob], "prod");


We stress that the work presented here is purely educational and does not intend to show a secure or efficient implementation. The core of the library is to give the user an idea of how protocols work at a very high level. So, the implementation may have security issues and sometimes it may not represent all the details and caveats of a real-world secure and efficient implementation of the techniques covered here.


  • Defines all the math tools and functionalities needed for the library.
  • Implements all the MPC protocols and functionalities to simulate a secure computation.
  • Defines all the utilities for the library.
  • Implements a basic representation of a virtual machine.