Crate slvs

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This crate is a wrapper around the SolveSpace geometic constraint solver library.

Sketch geometries by creating entities within the system, then add constraints to define relationships between multiple entities.

Entities and constraints are referenced by their handles (EntityHandle and ConstraintHandle, respectively). These are wrappers around u32 values with a phantom type used to ensure that entity and constraint definitions are correctly referencing the expected type of entity.


An example of a constraint in 2d. In our first group, we create a workplane along the reference frame’s xy plane. In a second group, we create some entities in that group and dimension them.

use slvs::{
    constraint::{Diameter, EqualRadius, PtLineDistance, PtPtDistance, Vertical},
    entity::{ArcOfCircle, Circle, Distance, LineSegment, Normal, Point, Workplane},
    system::{FailReason, SolveResult},

// Initialize the system and create a group for the canvas.
let mut sys = System::new();
let g1 = sys.add_group();

// First, we create our workplane. Its origin corresponds to the origin
// of our base frame (x y z) = (0 0 0)
let origin = sys
    .sketch(Point::new_in_3d(g1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
    .expect("origin point created");

// and it is parallel to the xy plane, so it has basis vectors (1 0 0)
// and (0 1 0).
let normal = sys
        make_quaternion([1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]),
    .expect("normal created");
let workplane = sys
    .sketch(Workplane::new(g1, origin, normal))
    .expect("workplane created");

// Now create a second group. We'll solve group 2, while leaving group 1
// constant; so the workplane that we've created will be locked down,
// and the solver can't move it.
let g2 = sys.add_group();

// These points are represented by their coordinates (u v) within the
// workplane, so they need only two parameters each.
let p1 = sys
    .sketch(Point::new_on_workplane(g2, workplane, [10.0, 20.0]))
    .expect("point in 2d created");
let p2 = sys
    .sketch(Point::new_on_workplane(g2, workplane, [20.0, 10.0]))
    .expect("point in 2d created");
// And we create a line segment with those endpoints.
let line = sys
    .sketch(LineSegment::new(g2, p1, p2))
    .expect("line segment created");

// Now three more points.
let arc_center = sys
    .sketch(Point::new_on_workplane(g2, workplane, [100.0, 120.0]))
    .expect("point in 2d created");
let arc_start = sys
    .sketch(Point::new_on_workplane(g2, workplane, [120.0, 110.0]))
    .expect("point in 2d created");
let arc_finish = sys
    .sketch(Point::new_on_workplane(g2, workplane, [115.0, 115.0]))
    .expect("point in 2d created");
// And arc, centered at point arc_center, starting at point arc_start, ending at
// point arc_finish.
let arc = sys
        g2, workplane, arc_center, arc_start, arc_finish,
    .expect("arc created");

// Now one more point, and a distance
let circle_center = sys
    .sketch(Point::new_on_workplane(g2, workplane, [200.0, 200.0]))
    .expect("point in 2d created");
let circle_radius = sys
    .sketch(Distance::new(g2, 30.0))
    .expect("distance created");
// And a complete circle, centered at point circle_center with radius equal to
// distance circle_radius. Creating a normal on the workplane lets the system
// know that the cirle lies on the workplane, not just parallel to it.
let workplane_normal = sys
    .sketch(Normal::new_on_workplane(g2, workplane))
    .expect("2d normal created");
let circle = sys
    .expect("circle created");

// The length of our line segment is 30.0 units.
sys.constrain(PtPtDistance::new(g2, p1, p2, 30.0, Some(workplane)))
    .expect("constrain line segment to 30.0 units");
// And the distance from our line segment to the origin is 10.0 units.
sys.constrain(PtLineDistance::new(g2, origin, line, 10.0, Some(workplane)))
    .expect("distance from line to origin is 10.0");
// And the line segment is vertical.
sys.constrain(Vertical::from_line(g2, workplane, line))
    .expect("line segment is vertical");
// And the distance from one endpoint to the origin is 15.0 units.
sys.constrain(PtPtDistance::new(g2, p1, origin, 15.0, Some(workplane)))
    .expect("distance from p1 to origin is 15.0 units");
// And same for the other endpoint; so if you add this constraint then
// the sketch is overconstrained and will signal an error.
// sys.constrain(PtPtDistance::new(g2, p2, origin, 18.0, Some(workplane)))
//     .expect("distance from p2 to origin is 18.0 units");

// The arc and the circle have equal radius.
sys.constrain(EqualRadius::new(g2, arc, circle))
    .expect("arc and circle have equal radius");
// The arc has radius 17.0 units.
sys.constrain(Diameter::new(g2, arc, 17.0 * 2.0))
    .expect("arc has diameter of 17.0 units");

// And solve.
let result = sys.solve(&g2);

match result {
    SolveResult::Ok { dof } => {
        println!("solved okay");
        if let (
            Point::OnWorkplane {
                coords: [u1, v1], ..
            Point::OnWorkplane {
                coords: [u2, v2], ..
        ) = (
            sys.entity_data(&p1).expect("data for p1 found"),
            sys.entity_data(&p2).expect("data for p1 found"),
        ) {
            println!("line from ({:.3} {:.3}) to ({:.3} {:.3})", u1, v1, u2, v2);

        if let (
            Point::OnWorkplane {
                coords: [arc_center_u, arc_center_v],
            Point::OnWorkplane {
                coords: [arc_start_u, arc_start_v],
            Point::OnWorkplane {
                coords: [arc_finish_u, arc_finish_v],
        ) = (
                .expect("data for arc_center found"),
                .expect("data for arc_start found"),
                .expect("data for arc_finish found"),
        ) {
                "arc center ({:.3} {:.3}) start ({:.3} {:.3}) finish ({:.3} {:.3})",

        if let Point::OnWorkplane {
            coords: [center_u, center_v],
        } = sys
            .expect("data for circle_center found")
            let radius = sys
                .expect("data for circle_radius found")
                "circle center ({:.3} {:.3}) radius {:.3}",
                center_u, center_v, radius

        println!("{} DOF", dof);

    SolveResult::Fail {
    } => {
            "solve failed: problematic constraints are: {:#?}",

        match reason {
            FailReason::Inconsistent => println!("system inconsistent"),
            _ => println!("system nonconvergent"),



  • A constraint is a geometric property of an entity, or a relationship between multiple entities.
  • An entity is a geometric thing, like a point or a line segment or a circle.
  • Each entity and constraint is assigned to a Group.
  • Object used to store and interact with all the elements and constraints in the sketch.
  • A variety of utility functions, for geometry calculations and conversions.
