Expand description

A utility macro for flexible slug genereation that handles unicode.

The slugify! macro implements a flexible slug generator, allowing for stop words, custom separator, randomness and maximum length options. The macro provides both a simple interface with sane default parameters but also allows the parameters to be overriden when needed.


  • Unicode strings support (phonetic conversion).
  • Support for custom slug separator.
  • Stop words filtering.
  • Slug maximum length support.


This crate is on crates.io and can be used by adding slugify-rs to the dependencies in your project’s Cargo.toml

slugify-rs = "0.0.2"

and this to your crate root:

use slugify-rs::slugify;


Basic slug generation

assert_eq!(slugify!("hello world"), "hello-world");

Using a custom separator

assert_eq!(slugify!("hello world", separator = "."), "hello.world");
assert_eq!(slugify!("hello world", separator = " "), "hello world");
assert_eq!(slugify!("hello world", separator = ""), "helloworld");

Stop words filtering

assert_eq!(slugify!("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", stop_words = "the,fox"), "quick-brown-jumps-over-lazy-dog");

Maximum length

assert_eq!(slugify!("hello world", max_length = 5), "hello");
assert_eq!(slugify!("the hello world", stop_words = "the", max_length = 5), "hello");

Random values added to string through nanoid

assert_eq!(slugify!("hello world", randomness=true).len(), "hello-world".len()+5);
assert_eq!(slugify!("hello world", randomness=true,randomness_length=8).len(), "hello-world".len()+8);

Phonetic Conversion and accented text

assert_eq!(slugify!("影師嗎"), "ying-shi-ma");
assert_eq!(slugify!("Æúű--cool?"), "aeuu-cool");
assert_eq!(slugify!("Nín hǎo. Wǒ shì zhōng guó rén"), "nin-hao-wo-shi-zhong-guo-ren");

Passing multiple optional parameters.

NOTE: the order of optional parameters matters: stop_words, separator and then max_length. All of them are optional, however when specifying more than one optional parameter, this order must be adhered.

assert_eq!(slugify!("the hello world", stop_words = "the", separator = "-"), "hello-world");
assert_eq!(slugify!("the hello world", separator = ".", max_length = 10), "the.hello");
assert_eq!(slugify!("the hello world", stop_words = "the", max_length = 5), "hello");
assert_eq!(slugify!("the hello world", stop_words = "the", separator = "-", max_length = 20), "hello-world");

