pub trait FromSkyhashBytes: Sized {
    fn from_element(element: Element) -> SkyResult<Self>;
Expand description

Implementing this trait enables Skyhash elements to be converted into Rust types. This trait is already implemented for most primitive types, but for your own custom types, you’ll need to implement it yourself.

Example implementation

Say we have a key/value table that stores (str, str). The value however contains comma separated values (CSV). Let’s say it looks like: (Name, E-mail, State) with types String, String and String respectively. We’d represent our Rust struct and implement this trait like this:

use skytable::types::FromSkyhashBytes;
use skytable::error::Error;
use skytable::{SkyResult, Element};

pub struct MyCSV {
    name: String,
    email: String,
    state: String,

// Implement it
impl FromSkyhashBytes for MyCSV {
    fn from_element(element: Element) -> SkyResult<Self> {
        if let Element::String(st) = element {
            let splits: Vec<&str> = st.split(",").collect();
                MyCSV {
                    name: splits[0].to_string(),
                    email: splits[1].to_string(),
                    state: splits[2].to_string(),
        } else {
            Err(Error::ParseError("Bad element type".to_string()))

// Now use it with actions!
use skytable::sync::Connection;
use skytable::actions::Actions;

let mut con = Connection::new("", 2003).unwrap();
let mycsv: MyCSV = con.get("mycsv").unwrap();

Now, you can use this as you like to turn Elements into your own (or primitive) types or with actions (as shown above)!

Required methods

Attempt to convert an element to the target type, returning errors if they occur

Implementations on Foreign Types
