Crate skyline_web

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pub extern crate ramhorns;


Utilities dealing with writing the bits of a template or data to the output and escaping special HTML characters.
This module contains helper traits that are used internally to manage sequences of types implementing the Content trait, allowing us to statically manage parent section lookups without doing extra work on runtime.


Aggregator for Templates, that allows them to be loaded from the file system and use partials: {{>partial}}
A section of a Template that can be rendered individually, usually delimited by {{#section}} ... {{/section}} tags.
A preprocessed form of the plain text template, ready to be rendered with data contained in types implementing the Content trait.


Error type used that can be emitted during template parsing.


Trait allowing the rendering to quickly access data stored in the type that implements it. You needn’t worry about implementing it, in virtually all cases the #[derive(Content)] attribute above your types should be sufficient.

Derive Macros