Crate skrillax_codec

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skrillax-codec is a crate to turn a raw stream of bytes into more meaningful frames in the format used by Silkroad Online. Framing is only the first step, as a frame is still quite a general object and does itself not provide many operations. Instead, operations are contained inside frames and will need to be decoded/encoded separately.

This crate provides two things: the SilkroadFrame and SilkroadCodec. The latter, SilkroadCodec, is expected to be used in combination with tokio’s tokio_util::codec::FramedWrite & tokio_util::codec::FramedRead. It uses the former, SilkroadFrame, as the type it produces. However, it is totally possible to use this crate without using the codec by using the SilkroadFrame’s serialization and deserialization functions.



  • A ‘frame’ denotes the most fundamental block of data that can be sent between the client and the server in Silkroad Online. Any and all operations or data exchanges are built on top of a kind of frame.