Crate simular_core

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This library provides a simple API for interacting with an embedded Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).


  • Both an in-memory database and the ability to fork state from a remote node
  • Snapshot of EVM state for later use
  • Both raw encoding/decoding of function calls as well as alloy SolTypes
  • Lightweight creation of ABI from human-readable syntax


  • Create and interact with the EVM using the the in-memory database.

      use simular_core::{BaseEvm, generate_random_addresses};
      use alloy_primitives::{Address, U256};
      // Generate some random addresses
      let addresses = generate_random_addresses(2);
      let bob = addresses[0];
      let alice = addresses[1];
      // create the EVM with in-memory database (default)
      let mut evm = BaseEvm::default();
      // create 2 accounts. Bob w/ 2 ether, alice w/ none
      evm.create_account(bob, Some(U256::from(2e18))).unwrap();
      evm.create_account(alice, None).unwrap();
      // check the balances
      assert!(evm.get_balance(bob).unwrap() == U256::from(2e18));
      assert!(evm.get_balance(alice).unwrap() == U256::from(0));
  • Fork a remote contract. Interacting with a remote contract pulls the state of the remote contract into the local in-memory database for use.

      use simular_core::{BaseEvm, generate_random_addresses, ContractAbi;
      use alloy_primitives::{Address, U256, address};
      let abi = ContractAbi::from_human_readable(vec![
      "function totalSupply() (uint256)"
      // create a fork using the latest block
      let fork_info = CreateFork.latest_block(URL OF JSON-RPC NODE);
      let mut evm = BaseEvm::new(Some(fork_info));
      // remote contract address.
      // using DAI: 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F
      let contract_address = address!("6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F");
      // encode the function call
      let (encoded_total_supply, _, decoder) =
          abi.encode_function("totalSupply", "()").unwrap();
      // call the function on the remote contract
      let output = evm.transact_call(
      // decode the result
      let value = decoder.unwrap().abi_decode(&output.result)
      println!("total supply: {:?}", value);



  • Parse contract ABIs to encode, decode contract calls
  • Provides access to EVM storage
  • Database errors
  • An API to interact with an embedded Ethereum Virtual Machine.
  • Containers for serializing EVM state information
