Crate similar_asserts[][src]

Expand description

similar-asserts is a crate that enhances the default assertion experience by using similar for diffing. On failed assertions it renders out a colorized diff to the terminal.

It comes with a handful of macros to replace std::assert_eq! with:


use similar_asserts::assert_eq;
assert_eq!((1..3).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![1, 2]);

Optionally the assertion macros also let you “name” the left and right side which will produce slightly more explicit output:

use similar_asserts::assert_eq;
assert_eq!(expected: vec![1, 2], actual: (1..3).collect::<Vec<_>>());

Feature Flags

  • unicode enable improved character matching (enabled by default)
  • serde turns on support for serde.


Asserts that two expressions are equal to each other (using PartialEq).

Asserts that two expressions are equal to each other (using PartialEq).

Asserts that two stringified expressions are equal to each other (using PartialEq).