Crate sikula

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Simple Query Language

This is a parser which allows implementing a strongly typed, simple query syntax for custom resources.


Define a resource that you want to search in:

use sikula::prelude::*;

pub enum MyResource<'a> {
    #[search(scope, default)]

    Sender(&'a str),


    Header(Qualified<'a, &'a str>),


Next, having your query, parse it into the enum:

use sikula::prelude::*;

fn search(query: &str) -> Result<Vec<MyItem>, Error> {
  let query = MyResource::parse(query)?;

fn perform_search<'a>(query: Query<'a, MyResource<'a>>) -> Vec<MyItem> {
  // Here you need to translate the query structure into some query for the target store
  // (like SQL), or manually apply a filter in-memory to items. Or do a mix, whatever makes
  // sense for your data.
  todo!("Implement search")

Now, you can do the following queries:

QueryRetrieves all entries…
foo… containing “foo” in the “subject”
foo in:subject in:message… containing “foo” in either “subject” or “body”
foo in:subject in:message is:read… containing “foo” in either “subject” or “body” being “read”
foo bar… containing “foo” and “bar” in the subject
size:>10000… having a size greater than 10000
size:100..200… having a size between 100 (inclusive) and 200 (exclusive)

See more examples in README.



  • Low-level intermediate representation
  • Basic parsing
  • The prelude
  • Support for building SeaORM conditions

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