Crate sigstore

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This crate aims to provide Sigstore capabilities to Rust developers.

Currently, the main focus of the crate is to provide the verification capabilities offered by the official cosign tool.

Warning: this library is still experimental. Its API can change at any time.


Should you discover any security issues, please refer to Sigstore’s security process.


Sigstore verification is done using the cosign::Client struct.

§Triangulation of Sigstore signature

Given a container image/oci artifact, calculate the location of its cosign signature inside of a registry:

use crate::sigstore::cosign::CosignCapabilities;
use std::fs;

pub async fn main() {
  let auth = &sigstore::registry::Auth::Anonymous;

  let mut client = sigstore::cosign::ClientBuilder::default()
    .expect("Unexpected failure while building Client");
  let image = "registry-testing.svc.lan/kubewarden/disallow-service-nodeport:v0.1.0".parse().unwrap();
  let (cosign_signature_image, source_image_digest) = client.triangulate(
  ).await.expect("Unexpected failure while using triangulate");

§Signature verification

Verify the signature of a container image/oci artifact:

 use crate::sigstore::cosign::{
 use crate::sigstore::cosign::verification_constraint::{
 use crate::sigstore::crypto::SigningScheme;
 use crate::sigstore::errors::SigstoreError;
 use sigstore::errors::SigstoreVerifyConstraintsError;

 use std::boxed::Box;
 use std::collections::HashMap;
 use std::fs;

 pub async fn main() {
   let auth = &sigstore::registry::Auth::Anonymous;

   // Provide both rekor and fulcio data -> this enables keyless verification
   // Read rekor's key from the location generated by `cosign initialize`
   let rekor_pub_key = fs::read("~/.sigstore/root/targets/")
     .expect("Cannot read rekor public key");
   // Read fulcio's certificate from the location generated by `cosign initialize`
   let fulcio_cert_data = fs::read("~/.sigstore/root/targets/fulcio.crt.pem")
     .expect("Cannot read fulcio certificate");
   let fulcio_cert = sigstore::registry::Certificate {
     encoding: sigstore::registry::CertificateEncoding::Pem,
     data: fulcio_cert_data

   let mut repo = sigstore::trust::ManualTrustRoot {
     fulcio_certs: Some(vec![fulcio_cert.try_into().unwrap()]),
     rekor_key: Some(rekor_pub_key),

   let mut client = sigstore::cosign::ClientBuilder::default()
     .expect("Cannot construct cosign client from given materials")
     .expect("Unexpected failure while building Client");

   // Obtained via `triangulate`
   let cosign_image = "registry-testing.svc.lan/kubewarden/disallow-service-nodeport:sha256-5f481572d088dc4023afb35fced9530ced3d9b03bf7299c6f492163cb9f0452e.sig"
   // Obtained via `triangulate`
   let source_image_digest = "sha256-5f481572d088dc4023afb35fced9530ced3d9b03bf7299c6f492163cb9f0452e";

   // Obtain the list the signatures layers associated that can be trusted
   let signature_layers = client.trusted_signature_layers(
   ).await.expect("Could not obtain signature layers");

   // Define verification constraints
   let mut annotations: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new();
   annotations.insert("env".to_string(), "prod".to_string());
   let annotation_verifier = AnnotationVerifier{

   let verification_key = fs::read("~/")
     .expect("Cannot read contents of cosign public key");
   let pub_key_verifier = PublicKeyVerifier::new(
   ).expect("Could not create verifier");

   let verification_constraints: VerificationConstraintVec = vec![

   // Use the given list of constraints to verify the trusted
   // `signature_layers`. This will raise an error if one or more verification
   // constraints are not satisfied.
   let result = verify_constraints(

   match result {
       Ok(()) => {
           println!("Image successfully verified");
       Err(SigstoreVerifyConstraintsError {
       }) => {
           println!("{:?}", unsatisfied_constraints);
           panic!("Image verification failed")

§Rekor integration

The examples folder contains code that shows users how to make Rekor API calls.
It also provides a clean interface with step-by-step instructions that other developers can copy and paste.

use clap::{Arg, Command};
use sigstore::rekor::apis::{configuration::Configuration, entries_api};
use sigstore::rekor::models::log_entry::LogEntry;
use std::str::FromStr;
async fn main() {
    Retrieves an entry and inclusion proof from the transparency log (if it exists) by index
    Example command :
    cargo run --example get_log_entry_by_index -- --log_index 99
    let matches = Command::new("cmd").arg(
            .help("log_index of the artifact"),

    let flags = matches.get_matches();
    let index = <i32 as FromStr>::from_str(

    let configuration = Configuration::default();

    let message: LogEntry = entries_api::get_log_entry_by_index(&configuration, index)
    println!("{:#?}", message);

The following comment in the code tells the user how to provide the required values to the API calls using cli flags.

In the example below, the user can retrieve different entries by inputting a different value for the log_index flag.

/* Retrieves an entry and inclusion proof from the transparency log (if it exists) by index Example command : cargo run –example get_log_entry_by_index – –log_index 99 */

§The example code is provided for the following API calls:

  • create_log_entry
  • get_log_entry_by_index
  • get_log_entry_by_uuid
  • get_log_info
  • get_log_proof
  • get_public_key
  • search_index
  • search_log_query


Additional examples can be found inside of the examples directory.

§Fulcio and Rekor integration

cosign::Client integration with Fulcio and Rekor requires the following data to work: Fulcio’s certificate and Rekor’s public key.

These files are safely distributed by the Sigstore project via a TUF repository. The sigstore::trust::sigstore module provides the helper structures to deal with it.

§Feature Flags

Sigstore-rs uses a set of [feature flags] to reduce the amount of compiled code. It is suggested to just enable those features in need. The features includes:

  • default: Enables full-native-tls, cached-client and test-registry features.

  • full-native-tls: Enables support for fulcio, rekor and cosign. All the underlying tls uses native-tls. This feature will not enable test-registry.

  • full-rustls-tls: Enables support for fulcio, rekor and cosign. All the underlying tls uses rustls-tls. This feature will not enable test-registry.

  • fulcio-native-tls and fulcio-rustls-tls: Enables support for fulcio, but one uses native-tls as underlying tls and the other uses rustls-tls.

  • rekor-native-tls and rekor-rustls-tls: Enables support for rekor, but one uses native-tls as underlying tls and the other uses rustls-tls.

  • cosign-native-tls and cosign-rustls-tls: Enables support for cosign, but one uses native-tls as underlying tls and the other uses rustls-tls.

  • cached-client: Enables support for OCI registry client caching.

  • test-registry: Enables tests based on a temporary OCI registry.

  • sigstore-trust-root: Enables support for TUF to request for fulcio certs and rekor public key.

