Module signal_hook::iterator

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An iterator over incoming signals.

This provides a higher abstraction over the signals, providing a structure (Signals) able to iterate over the incoming signals.

In case the tokio-support feature is turned on, the Async is also available, making it possible to integrate with the tokio runtime.


extern crate libc;
extern crate signal_hook;

use std::io::Error;

use signal_hook::iterator::Signals;

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let signals = Signals::new(&[
    'outer: loop {
        // Pick up signals that arrived since last time
        for signal in signals.pending() {
            match signal as libc::c_int {
                signal_hook::SIGHUP => {
                    // Reload configuration
                    // Reopen the log file
                signal_hook::SIGTERM | signal_hook::SIGINT | signal_hook::SIGQUIT => {
                    break 'outer;
                _ => unreachable!(),
        // Do some bit of work ‒ something with upper limit on waiting, so we don't block
        // forever with a SIGTERM already waiting.
    println!("Terminating. Bye bye");


An asynchronous stream of registered signals.
The infinite iterator of signals.
The iterator of one batch of signals.
The main structure of the module, representing interest in some signals.