Crate shura

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Type Definitions

  • Boxed component, that can be downcasted to any Component using downcast_ref or downcast_mut.
  • Type alias for a hashmap using the fx hash algorithm.
  • Type alias for a hashmap using the fx hash algorithm.
  • A 2-dimensional direct isometry using a unit complex number for its rotational part.
  • A stack-allocated, column-major, 2x2 square matrix.
  • A statically sized 2-dimensional column point.
  • A 2D rotation represented as a complex number with magnitude 1.
  • A 2-dimensional translation.
  • A stack-allocated, 2-dimensional unit vector.
  • A stack-allocated, 2-dimensional column vector.
  • A stack-allocated, 3-dimensional column vector.
  • A stack-allocated, 4-dimensional column vector.

Attribute Macros

  • This macro helps setup a cross plattform main method

Derive Macros

  • All components need to derive from a BaseComponent. This macro is used to make this more easily
  • All scene- and globalstates must derive from this macro.