Module serenity::framework [] [src]

The framework is a customizable method of separating commands.

This is used in combination with Client::with_framework.

The framework has a number of configurations, and can have any number of commands bound to it. The primary purpose of it is to offer the utility of not needing to manually match message content strings to determine if a message is a command.

Additionally, "checks" can be added to commands, to ensure that a certain condition is met prior to calling a command; this could be a check that the user who posted a message owns the bot, for example.

Each command has a given named, and an associated function/closure. For example, you might have two commands: "ping" and "weather". These each have an associated function that are called if the framework determines that a message is of that command.

Assuming a command prefix of "~", then the following would occur with the two previous commands:

This example is not tested
~ping // calls the ping command's function
~pin // does not
~ ping // _does_ call it _if_ the `allow_whitespace` option is enabled
~~ping // does not


Configuring a Client with a framework, which has a prefix of "~" and a ping and about command:

This example is not tested
use serenity::client::{Client, Context};
use serenity::model::Message;
use std::env;

let mut client = Client::new(&env::var("DISCORD_TOKEN").unwrap());

client.with_framework(|f| f
    .configure(|c| c.prefix("~"))
    .command("about", |c| c.exec_str("A simple test bot"))
    .command("ping", |c| c.exec(ping)));

command!(about(_context, message) {
    let _ = message.channel_id.say("A simple test bot");

command!(ping(_context, message) {
    let _ = message.channel_id.say("Pong!");


pub use self::standard::StandardFramework;





This trait allows for serenity to either use its builtin framework, or yours.