Struct serenity::model::channel::GuildChannel[][src]

pub struct GuildChannel {
Show fields pub id: ChannelId, pub bitrate: Option<u64>, pub category_id: Option<ChannelId>, pub guild_id: GuildId, pub kind: ChannelType, pub last_message_id: Option<MessageId>, pub last_pin_timestamp: Option<DateTime<Utc>>, pub name: String, pub permission_overwrites: Vec<PermissionOverwrite>, pub position: i64, pub topic: Option<String>, pub user_limit: Option<u64>, pub nsfw: bool, pub slow_mode_rate: Option<u64>, pub rtc_region: Option<String>, pub video_quality_mode: Option<VideoQualityMode>,
Expand description

Represents a guild’s text, news, or voice channel. Some methods are available only for voice channels and some are only available for text channels. News channels are a subset of text channels and lack slow mode hence Self::slow_mode_rate will be None.

Fields (Non-exhaustive)

This struct is marked as non-exhaustive
Non-exhaustive structs could have additional fields added in future. Therefore, non-exhaustive structs cannot be constructed in external crates using the traditional Struct {{ .. }} syntax; cannot be matched against without a wildcard ..; and struct update syntax will not work.
id: ChannelId
Expand description

The unique Id of the channel.

The default channel Id shares the Id of the guild and the default role.

bitrate: Option<u64>
Expand description

The bitrate of the channel.

Note: This is only available for voice and stage channels.

category_id: Option<ChannelId>
Expand description

Whether this guild channel belongs in a category.

guild_id: GuildId
Expand description

The Id of the guild the channel is located in.

If this matches with the id, then this is the default text channel.

The original voice channel has an Id equal to the guild’s Id, incremented by one.

kind: ChannelType
Expand description

The type of the channel.

last_message_id: Option<MessageId>
Expand description

The Id of the last message sent in the channel.

Note: This is only available for text channels.

last_pin_timestamp: Option<DateTime<Utc>>
Expand description

The timestamp of the time a pin was most recently made.

Note: This is only available for text channels.

name: String
Expand description

The name of the channel.

permission_overwrites: Vec<PermissionOverwrite>
Expand description

Permission overwrites for Members and for Roles.

position: i64
Expand description

The position of the channel.

The default text channel will almost always have a position of -1 or 0.

topic: Option<String>
Expand description

The topic of the channel.

Note: This is only available for text and stage channels.

user_limit: Option<u64>
Expand description

The maximum number of members allowed in the channel.

Note: This is only available for voice channels.

nsfw: bool
Expand description

Used to tell if the channel is not safe for work. Note however, it’s recommended to use Self::is_nsfw as it’s gonna be more accurate.

slow_mode_rate: Option<u64>
Expand description

A rate limit that applies per user and excludes bots.

Note: This is only available for text channels excluding news channels.

rtc_region: Option<String>
Expand description

The region override.

Note: This is only available for voice and stage channels. None for voice and stage channels means automatic region selection.

video_quality_mode: Option<VideoQualityMode>
Expand description

The video quality mode for a voice channel.


impl GuildChannel[src]

pub fn is_text_based(&self) -> bool[src]

Whether or not this channel is text-based, meaning that it is possible to send messages.

pub async fn broadcast_typing(&self, http: impl AsRef<Http>) -> Result<()>[src]

Broadcasts to the channel that the current user is typing.

For bots, this is a good indicator for long-running commands.

Note: Requires the Send Messages permission.


Returns Error::Http if the current user does not have the required permissions.

pub async fn create_invite<F>(
    cache_http: impl CacheHttp,
    f: F
) -> Result<RichInvite> where
    F: FnOnce(&mut CreateInvite) -> &mut CreateInvite

Creates an invite leading to the given channel.

Note: Requres the [Create Invite] permission.


Create an invite that can only be used 5 times:

let invite = channel.create_invite(&context, |i| i.max_uses(5)).await;


If the cache is enabled, returns ModelError::InvalidPermissions if the current user does not have permission to create invites.

Otherwise returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission.

pub async fn create_permission(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    target: &PermissionOverwrite
) -> Result<()>

Creates a permission overwrite for either a single Member or Role within a Channel.

Refer to the documentation for PermissionOverwrites for more information.

Requires the Manage Channels permission.


Creating a permission overwrite for a member by specifying the PermissionOverwriteType::Member variant, allowing it the Send Messages permission, but denying the Send TTS Messages and Attach Files permissions:

use serenity::model::channel::{
use serenity::model::{ModelError, Permissions};
let allow = Permissions::SEND_MESSAGES;
let deny = Permissions::SEND_TTS_MESSAGES | Permissions::ATTACH_FILES;
let overwrite = PermissionOverwrite {
    allow: allow,
    deny: deny,
    kind: PermissionOverwriteType::Member(user_id),
// assuming the cache has been unlocked
let channel = cache

channel.create_permission(&http, &overwrite).await?;

Creating a permission overwrite for a role by specifying the PermissionOverwriteType::Role variant, allowing it the Manage Webhooks permission, but denying the Send TTS Messages and Attach Files permissions:

use serenity::model::channel::{
use serenity::model::{ModelError, Permissions, channel::Channel};

let allow = Permissions::SEND_MESSAGES;
let deny = Permissions::SEND_TTS_MESSAGES | Permissions::ATTACH_FILES;
let overwrite = PermissionOverwrite {
    allow: allow,
    deny: deny,
    kind: PermissionOverwriteType::Member(user_id),

let channel = cache

channel.create_permission(&http, &overwrite).await?;


Returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission.

pub async fn delete(&self, cache_http: impl CacheHttp) -> Result<Channel>[src]

Deletes this channel, returning the channel on a successful deletion.

Note: Requres the Manage Channels permission.


If the cache is enabled, returns ModelError::InvalidPermissions if the current user does not have permission.

Otherwise returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission.

pub async fn delete_messages<T, It>(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    message_ids: It
) -> Result<()> where
    T: AsRef<MessageId>,
    It: IntoIterator<Item = T>, 

Deletes all messages by Ids from the given vector in the channel.

The minimum amount of messages is 2 and the maximum amount is 100.

Requires the Manage Messages permission.

Note: Messages that are older than 2 weeks can’t be deleted using this method.


Returns ModelError::BulkDeleteAmount if an attempt was made to delete either 0 or more than 100 messages.

pub async fn delete_permission(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    permission_type: PermissionOverwriteType
) -> Result<()>

Deletes all permission overrides in the channel from a member or role.

Note: Requires the Manage Channel permission.


Returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission.

pub async fn delete_reaction(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    message_id: impl Into<MessageId>,
    user_id: Option<UserId>,
    reaction_type: impl Into<ReactionType>
) -> Result<()>

Deletes the given Reaction from the channel.

Note: Requires the [Manage Messages] permission, if the current user did not perform the reaction.


Returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission. [Manage Messages]: Permissions::MANAGE_MESSAGES

pub async fn edit<F>(&mut self, cache_http: impl CacheHttp, f: F) -> Result<()> where
    F: FnOnce(&mut EditChannel) -> &mut EditChannel

Modifies a channel’s settings, such as its position or name.

Refer to EditChannels documentation for a full list of methods.


Change a voice channels name and bitrate:

channel.edit(&context, |c|"test").bitrate(86400)).await;


If the cache is enabled, returns ModelError::InvalidPermissions if the current user lacks permission to edit the channel.

Otherwise returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission.

pub async fn edit_message<F>(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    message_id: impl Into<MessageId>,
    f: F
) -> Result<Message> where
    F: FnOnce(&mut EditMessage) -> &mut EditMessage

Edits a Message in the channel given its Id.

Message editing preserves all unchanged message data.

Refer to the documentation for EditMessage for more information regarding message restrictions and requirements.

Note: Requires that the current user be the author of the message.


Returns a ModelError::MessageTooLong if the content of the message is over the the limit, containing the number of unicode code points over the limit.

pub async fn edit_voice_state<F>(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    user_id: impl Into<UserId>,
    f: F
) -> Result<()> where
    F: FnOnce(&mut EditVoiceState) -> &mut EditVoiceState

Edits a voice state in a stage channel. Pass None for user_id to edit the current user’s voice state.

Requires the Mute Members permission to suppress another user or unsuppress the current user. This is not required if suppressing the current user.

Requires the Request to Speak permission.


Invite a user to speak.

use serenity::model::ModelError;

// assuming the cache has been unlocked
let channel = cache.guild_channel(channel_id).await.ok_or(ModelError::ItemMissing)?;

channel.edit_voice_state(&http, user_id, |v| v.suppress(false)).await?;


Returns a ModelError::InvalidChannelType if the channel type is not stage.

pub async fn edit_own_voice_state<F>(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    f: F
) -> Result<()> where
    F: FnOnce(&mut EditVoiceState) -> &mut EditVoiceState

Edits the current user’s voice state in a stage channel.

The Mute Members permission is not required if suppressing the current user.

Requires the Request to Speak permission.


Send a request to speak, then clear the request.

use serenity::model::ModelError;

// assuming the cache has been unlocked
let channel = cache.guild_channel(channel_id).await.ok_or(ModelError::ItemMissing)?;

// Send a request to speak
channel.edit_own_voice_state(&http, |v| v.request_to_speak(true)).await?;

// Clear own request to speak
channel.edit_own_voice_state(&http, |v| v.request_to_speak(false)).await?;


Returns a ModelError::InvalidChannelType if the channel type is not stage.

pub async fn guild(&self, cache: impl AsRef<Cache>) -> Option<Guild>[src]

Attempts to find this channel’s guild in the Cache.

pub async fn invites(&self, http: impl AsRef<Http>) -> Result<Vec<RichInvite>>[src]

Gets all of the channel’s invites.

Requires the Manage Channels permission.


Returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission.

pub fn is_nsfw(&self) -> bool[src]

Determines if the channel is NSFW.

Only text channels are taken into consideration as being NSFW. voice channels are never NSFW.

pub async fn message(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    message_id: impl Into<MessageId>
) -> Result<Message>

Gets a message from the channel.

Requires the Read Message History permission.


Returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission, or if a message with the given Id does not exist in the channel.

pub async fn messages<F>(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    builder: F
) -> Result<Vec<Message>> where
    F: FnOnce(&mut GetMessages) -> &mut GetMessages

Gets messages from the channel.

Refer to the GetMessages-builder for more information on how to use builder.

Note: Returns an empty Vec if the current user does not have the Read Message History permission.


Returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission to view the channel.

pub fn name(&self) -> &str[src]

Returns the name of the guild channel.

pub async fn permissions_for_user(
    cache: impl AsRef<Cache>,
    user_id: impl Into<UserId>
) -> Result<Permissions>

Calculates the permissions of a member.

The Id of the argument must be a Member of the Guild that the channel is in.


Calculate the permissions of a User who posted a Message in a channel:

use serenity::prelude::*;
use serenity::model::prelude::*;
struct Handler;

impl EventHandler for Handler {
    async fn message(&self, context: Context, msg: Message) {
        let channel = match context.cache.guild_channel(msg.channel_id).await {
            Some(channel) => channel,
            None => return,

        if let Ok(permissions) = channel.permissions_for_user(&context.cache, & {
            println!("The user's permissions: {:?}", permissions);

let mut client =Client::builder("token").event_handler(Handler).await?;


Check if the current user has the Attach Files and Send Messages permissions (note: serenity will automatically check this for; this is for demonstrative purposes):

use serenity::prelude::*;
use serenity::model::prelude::*;
use serenity::model::channel::Channel;
use tokio::fs::File;

struct Handler;

impl EventHandler for Handler {
    async fn message(&self, context: Context, mut msg: Message) {
        let channel = match context.cache.guild_channel(msg.channel_id).await {
            Some(channel) => channel,
            None => return,

        let current_user_id = context.cache.current_user();
        if let Ok(permissions) = channel.permissions_for_user(&context.cache, current_user_id).await {

            if !permissions.contains(Permissions::ATTACH_FILES | Permissions::SEND_MESSAGES) {

            let file = match File::open("./cat.png").await {
                Ok(file) => file,
                Err(why) => {
                    println!("Err opening file: {:?}", why);


            let _ = msg.channel_id.send_files(&context.http, vec![(&file, "cat.png")], |mut m| {
                m.content("here's a cat");

let mut client =Client::builder("token").event_handler(Handler).await?;



Returns a ModelError::GuildNotFound if the channel’s guild could not be found in the Cache.

pub async fn permissions_for_role(
    cache: impl AsRef<Cache>,
    role_id: impl Into<RoleId>
) -> Result<Permissions>

Calculates the permissions of a role.

The Id of the argument must be a Role of the Guild that the channel is in.


Returns a ModelError::GuildNotFound if the channel’s guild could not be found in the Cache.

Returns a ModelError::RoleNotFound if the given role could not be found in the Cache.

pub async fn pin(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    message_id: impl Into<MessageId>
) -> Result<()>

Pins a Message to the channel.

Note: Requires the Manage Messages permission.


Returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission, or if the channel already has too many pinned messages.

pub async fn pins(&self, http: impl AsRef<Http>) -> Result<Vec<Message>>[src]

Gets all channel’s pins.

Note: If the current user lacks the Read Message History permission an empty Vec will be returned.


Returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission to view the channel.

pub async fn reaction_users(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    message_id: impl Into<MessageId>,
    reaction_type: impl Into<ReactionType>,
    limit: Option<u8>,
    after: impl Into<Option<UserId>>
) -> Result<Vec<User>>

Gets the list of Users who have reacted to a Message with a certain Emoji.

The default limit is 50 - specify otherwise to receive a different maximum number of users. The maximum that may be retrieve at a time is 100, if a greater number is provided then it is automatically reduced.

The optional after attribute is to retrieve the users after a certain user. This is useful for pagination.

Note: Requires the Read Message History permission.


Returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission.

pub async fn say(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    content: impl Display
) -> Result<Message>

Sends a message with just the given message content in the channel.


Returns a ModelError::MessageTooLong if the content of the message is over the above limit, containing the number of unicode code points over the limit.

May also return Error::Http if the current user lacks permission to send a message to the channel.

pub async fn send_files<'a, F, T, It>(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    files: It,
    f: F
) -> Result<Message> where
    F: FnOnce(&'b mut CreateMessage<'a>) -> &'b mut CreateMessage<'a>,
    T: Into<AttachmentType<'a>>,
    It: IntoIterator<Item = T>, 

Sends (a) file(s) along with optional message contents.

Refer to ChannelId::send_files for examples and more information.

The Attach Files and Send Messages permissions are required.

Note: Message contents must be under 2000 unicode code points.


If the content of the message is over the above limit, then a ModelError::MessageTooLong will be returned, containing the number of unicode code points over the limit.

pub async fn send_message<'a, F>(
    cache_http: impl CacheHttp,
    f: F
) -> Result<Message> where
    F: FnOnce(&'b mut CreateMessage<'a>) -> &'b mut CreateMessage<'a>, 

Sends a message to the channel with the given content.

Note: This will only work when a Message is received.

Note: Requires the Send Messages permission.


Returns a ModelError::MessageTooLong if the content of the message is over the above limit, containing the number of unicode code points over the limit.

If the cache is enabled, returns a ModelError::InvalidPermissions if the current user does not have the required permissions.

Otherwise will return Error::Http if the current user lacks permission.

pub fn start_typing(self, http: &Arc<Http>) -> Result<Typing>[src]

Starts typing in the channel for an indefinite period of time.

Returns Typing that is used to trigger the typing. Typing::stop must be called on the returned struct to stop typing. Note that on some clients, typing may persist for a few seconds after Typing::stop is called. Typing is also stopped when the struct is dropped.

If a message is sent while typing is triggered, the user will stop typing for a brief period of time and then resume again until either Typing::stop is called or the struct is dropped.

This should rarely be used for bots, although it is a good indicator that a long-running command is still being processed.


// Initiate typing (assuming http is `Arc<Http>` and `channel` is bound)
let typing = channel.start_typing(&http)?;

// Run some long-running process

// Stop typing

pub async fn unpin(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    message_id: impl Into<MessageId>
) -> Result<()>

Unpins a Message in the channel given by its Id.

Requires the Manage Messages permission.


Returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission.

pub async fn webhooks(&self, http: impl AsRef<Http>) -> Result<Vec<Webhook>>[src]

Retrieves the channel’s webhooks.

Note: Requires the Manage Webhooks permission.


Returns Error::Http if the current user lacks permission.

pub async fn members(&self, cache: impl AsRef<Cache>) -> Result<Vec<Member>>[src]

Retrieves Members from the current channel.

ChannelType::Voice and ChannelType::Stage returns Members using the channel.

ChannelType::Text and ChannelType::News return Members that can read the channel.


Other ChannelTypes lack the concept of Members and will return: ModelError::InvalidChannelType.

pub fn await_reply<'a>(
    shard_messenger: &'a impl AsRef<ShardMessenger>
) -> CollectReply<'a>

Notable traits for CollectReply<'a>

impl<'a> Future for CollectReply<'a> type Output = Option<Arc<Message>>;

This is supported on crate feature collector only.

Returns a future that will await one message by this guild.

pub fn await_replies<'a>(
    shard_messenger: &'a impl AsRef<ShardMessenger>
) -> MessageCollectorBuilder<'a>

Notable traits for MessageCollectorBuilder<'a>

impl<'a> Future for MessageCollectorBuilder<'a> type Output = MessageCollector;

This is supported on crate feature collector only.

Returns a stream builder which can be awaited to obtain a stream of messages sent by this guild.

pub fn await_reaction<'a>(
    shard_messenger: &'a impl AsRef<ShardMessenger>
) -> CollectReaction<'a>

Notable traits for CollectReaction<'a>

impl<'a> Future for CollectReaction<'a> type Output = Option<Arc<ReactionAction>>;

This is supported on crate feature collector only.

Await a single reaction by this guild.

pub fn await_reactions<'a>(
    shard_messenger: &'a impl AsRef<ShardMessenger>
) -> ReactionCollectorBuilder<'a>

This is supported on crate feature collector only.

Returns a stream builder which can be awaited to obtain a stream of reactions sent by this guild.

pub async fn create_webhook(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    name: impl Display
) -> Result<Webhook>

Creates a webhook with only a name.


Returns a ModelError::NameTooShort if the name of the webhook is under the limit of 2 characters. Returns a ModelError::NameTooLong if the name of the webhook is over the limit of 100 characters. Returns a ModelError::InvalidChannelType if the channel type is not text.

pub async fn create_webhook_with_avatar<'a>(
    http: impl AsRef<Http>,
    name: impl Display,
    avatar: impl Into<AttachmentType<'a>>
) -> Result<Webhook>

Creates a webhook with a name and an avatar.


In addition to the reasons Self::create_webhook may return an Error::Http, if the image is too large.

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for GuildChannel[src]

fn clone(&self) -> GuildChannel[src]

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)1.0.0[src]

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for GuildChannel[src]

fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result[src]

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for GuildChannel[src]

fn deserialize<__D>(__deserializer: __D) -> Result<Self, __D::Error> where
    __D: Deserializer<'de>, 

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl Display for GuildChannel[src]

fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult[src]

Formats the channel, creating a mention of it.

impl From<&'_ GuildChannel> for Mention[src]

fn from(value: &GuildChannel) -> Self[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<'a> From<&'a GuildChannel> for ChannelId[src]

fn from(public_channel: &GuildChannel) -> ChannelId[src]

Gets the Id of a guild channel.

impl From<GuildChannel> for ChannelId[src]

fn from(public_channel: GuildChannel) -> ChannelId[src]

Gets the Id of a guild channel.

impl Mentionable for GuildChannel[src]

fn mention(&self) -> Mention[src]

Creates a Mention that will be able to notify or create a link to the item. Read more

impl Serialize for GuildChannel[src]

fn serialize<__S>(&self, __serializer: __S) -> Result<__S::Ok, __S::Error> where
    __S: Serializer

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

pub fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId[src]

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

pub fn borrow(&self) -> &T[src]

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

pub fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T[src]

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

pub fn from(t: T) -> T[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> Instrument for T[src]

fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>[src]

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>[src]

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

pub fn into(self) -> U[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> Same<T> for T

type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

pub fn to_owned(&self) -> T[src]

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

pub fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)[src]

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (toowned_clone_into)

recently added

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T> ToString for T where
    T: Display + ?Sized

pub default fn to_string(&self) -> String[src]

Converts the given value to a String. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

pub fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

pub fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T where
    V: MultiLane<T>, 

pub fn vzip(self) -> V

impl<T> DeserializeOwned for T where
    T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>, 