Crate serde_deser_iter

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This crate offers two different ways to deserialize sequences without allocating.


Given the following JSON:

    {"id": 0, "name": "bob", "subscribed_to": ["rust", "knitting", "cooking"]},
    {"id": 1, "name": "toby 🐶", "subscribed_to": ["sticks", "tennis-balls"]},
    {"id": 2, "name": "alice", "subscribed_to": ["rust", "hiking", "paris"]},
    {"id": 3, "name": "mark", "subscribed_to": ["rust", "rugby", "doctor-who"]},
    {"id": 4, "name": "vera", "subscribed_to": ["rust", "mma", "philosophy"]}

we can process it without allocating a 5-sized vector of items as follow:

use serde_deser_iter::top_level::DeserializerExt;
/// The type each item in the sequence will be deserialized to.
struct DataEntry {
    // Not all fields are needed, but we could add "name"
    // and "id".
    subscribed_to: Vec<String>,

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let buffered_file: BufReader<File> = BufReader::new(File::open(example_json_path)?);
    let mut json_deserializer = serde_json::Deserializer::from_reader(buffered_file);
    let mut all_channels = HashSet::new();

    json_deserializer.for_each(|entry: DataEntry| all_channels.extend(entry.subscribed_to))?;
    println!("All existing channels:");
    for channel in all_channels {
        println!("  - {channel}")

Top-level vs deep


The top_level module offers the most user friendly and powerful way to deserialize sequences. However, it is restricted to sequences defined at the top-level. For example it can work on each {"name": ...} from the following JSON

    {"name": "object1"},
    {"name": "object2"},
    {"name": "object3"}

but not if they are deeper in the structure:

    "result": [
        {"name": "object1"},
        {"name": "object2"},
        {"name": "object3"}


The deep module allows working on sequences located at any depth (and even nested one, though cumbersomely). However it does not allow to run closures on the iterated items, only functions, and its interface is less intuitive than top_level.

Early returns

Caution. In case of an early return from the aggregating function, all remaining items will still be deserialized (but discarded immediately). This is because the format deserializers expect to have consume the whole sequence before continuing.


Is this really iteration?

This crate arguibly offers a form on internal iteration, as opposed to the external iteration proposed by Rust, see this blog post section for more

I don’t understand how to use your crate to parse JSONL (one JSON object per line)

That’s because you can’t. Parsing a file containining a sequence of well-formated serialziation separated by whitespace needs to be done by the format deserializer. For JSON for example, use serde_json::StreamDeserializer.


  • Zero-allocation deserialization of sequences located anywhere
  • Zero-allocation deserialization of sequences located at the top-level of the data file