Expand description

A lightweight framework for transcoding text from one lexical form to another.

The apparatus that performs this trancoding is called a codec. It is described by the codecs::Codec trait. A prominent example of such a codec is Balkanoid — a quasi-lossless Balkanoidal meta-lingual compressor.

This crate provides mechanisms for creating codecs, as well as one or more useful codec implementations.


Compression and expansion of text using the codecs::balkanoid::Balkanoid codec:

use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::BufReader;
use serbzip_core::codecs::balkanoid::{Balkanoid, Dict};
use serbzip_core::codecs::Codec;

// this codec needs a dictionary to work from
let mut dict_reader = BufReader::new(File::open("../dict.blk")?);
let dict = Dict::read_from_binary_image(&mut dict_reader)?;
let codec = Balkanoid::new(&dict);

// compress a line and check the output
let input_line = "Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December";
let compressed_line = codec.compress_line(input_line);
assert_eq!(compressed_line, "H, dstnctly I rmmbr  t ws  n th   blk Dcmbr");

// expand the line; check that it matches the original
let expanded_line = codec.expand_line(&compressed_line)?;
assert_eq!(input_line, expanded_line);

// codecs also have helper methods for parsing I/O streams
let mut input_reader = BufReader::new(File::open("../test_data/antigonish.txt")?);
let mut output_writer = io::Cursor::new(Vec::new());
codec.compress(&mut input_reader, &mut output_writer)?;
let compressed_document = String::from_utf8(output_writer.into_inner())?;
assert_ne!("", compressed_document);


Machinery common to all codec implementations.

Various types and helpers that reduce boilerplate code.

Houses reusable machinery for transcoding streams, line by line.