Crate sequent

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A Discrete-Event Simulation.


Persistence of a scenario.


Decodes a name-value tuple into an Event object using a preconfigured map of parsers.
Raised by Decoder if there was something wrong with the parsers given to it. Perhaps the parsers were incorrectly specified or conflicted amongst themselves.
Produced if an Event object could not be decoded from its string equivalent.
A generic parser for any event type.
A mutable view over the event timeline. The queue is notionally subdivided into past, current and future events. The past events are those that have already been executed. The current event is the one at which the cursor is resting; the same event that is passed to Event::apply(). The future events comprise the sequence that follows the current event.
A complete simulation scenario, comprising the initial state and a timeline of discrete events.
The overarching simulation state. Contains the scenario being modelled, the current state of the simulation, as well as a cursor pointing to the next event in the timeline that is scheduled to be applied.
Produced by Event::apply() if an error occurs.


Known errors that could be produced during the course of simulation, including the loading and saving of simulation scenarios.


Specification of a discrete event.
An entity that has a string-like name.
A parser for Event types.
Something that has a constant name (i.e., independent of Self).